Wednesday, June 21, 2023

How far or near have I come in my absence from my Ramblings.

I AM BACK ! HAPPY Birthday Karim!!!!

jUNE 21ST. 2023.

 On this day of my son, Karim's Birthday, I am breaking my vow of silence from making any Blog entries for at least a year since my last entry in Sept of 22. No big deal really, but on this auspicious day, in honor of celebrating his 31st.-2nd? I would like to share a few highlights of the time I was away from the Blog. As much as it a tedious and repetitious effort I feel it needs to be recap events that had affected my state of consciousness, my state of Mind, my perception of who I am - how far or how near am I towards walking through this Dharma Gate and enter into the future; free from the very perception that the I is manifesting................................................................................................................................I Am, No More!! 

On this day I had dropped off my son at the Ferry terminal at Weld Quay, close to the big round about with the Clock Tower, ask any cab driver he will point it out to you...don't be shy to ask for directions when you are lost, advice when you are  offered; the Universal  Collective Mind, or Supreme and Absolute Consciousness has manifested this event just as it should be...Knock and it's open... Ask and it Shall be Given,, or something like that was written in the Good Book and I often wondered h ow true this line is. I had a realization one day and told myself to let it all go, abandon all hope, complete and unsubscribed emptying of the human consciousness, empty...gone! Gone beyond the concept of Gone! I realized that I have been sleep walking again most of the time being away from making my postings. I had a realization that nothing really matters as all things matters, letting of the ego attachment towards wanting to Give, share, express something from the depth of emptiness itself what it is to make any sense of what this is all about and know, understand and accept the it is all an Illusion, a manifestation of the Collective minds projecting all the discomforts and ultimately fear of our human existence, yours and mine, the who I am and the who you are, collectively we are generating out this whole show on the Universal Screen and we all appear on the stage in our own guises, our personalities and peculiarities, positive and the not so positive sentiments, we are the actors, then there's the Director and the Screen Writer and the Producers and the actors! Following them are the minions that help to make movies, make the unreal look alive! "Life is like this, He said." 

Our station, our position, our status, our present Dharma Position, is and will always be rooted in the emptiness of the presence, being conscious of our rootedness, our forms, and how our mind works is going too technical and deep , not necessary anymore to keep elaborating, they either gets it or it just flew swiftly over their head. One of the most revealing yet often painful moments I had was during the Month of Ramadan. I realized while fasting that it was a blessed practice the not many at the Zen centers all round can handle if they are challenged. To fast body, mind and soul, from dawn till dusk for one whole month. I am not able to truly fulfill the whole  rules and rituals of it, My thoughts still wanders and I was trapped into still asking questions like.. who is praying? or who is playing this Video Game, the one who created the Games and we will come to acknowledge that there is no Permanence and it is all impermanent, the events the image the performance the whole show is gone, as 'Gone in the Wind. ' How many still this Epic of a Movie. The Buddha's teaching of the cause of suffering is that , Nothing is Permanent in this Life and in knowing this man suffers from the worse of illness we all suffer from, the end of life, death. It is how ironic the very little time is devoted towards understanding the nature of what is life and liv[ng. What it is to be alive, to be human to breath, fart and scream shit in the park! Most of humanity is sleep walking as most awakened souls would agree, but it is as it should be, being is the state of awakened requires a whole lot of practice and the magic word , discipline! To be able to stay on course of the 'Siratal Mustakin', the straight and narrow path towards the 'Arassh of the Lord,' or the Seat/Throne of the Divine Spirit, it demands servitude. surrender and letting go. Love and Compassion is the code of arms, its Logo. ...God's Mondo to man. Live well and do good, suffer in silence with pride and dignity and share everything you have left with all those who ask of you... Pantang Kedekut! I abhor all forms of stinginess, selfishness, not able to share what can be shared and keeping and hoarding wealth while those who could use a helping. Have faith in the laws of of Nature and the laws of Man that as you give, so shall you receive. Nope! They have made a great You Tube Video on 'Giving' and why it is not so good for you. Yikes!   

     You Tube Videos are sometimes fool of crap don't be trapped into believing, being attached to, or suckered into from You Tube Videos, but on spiritual matters there are many teachers and much wisdom to be experienced. Surrender with an open Heart to learn to, to understand, to become what is the real and what is the unreal. What is Darkness and what is Light? What is the Permanent and the Impermanent. How to keep and maintain this level of consciousness and take the next breath, to higher and deeper level of the understanding of Who I am in the seen and the unseen world, the Story Teller telling his tall tales of his ups and downs, justifying to himself as he grows old, who Am I or What am I? Seriously, what am I? I have been asking this ever since I can remember often some heavy circumstances of the moments of my life. The fasting month I went through some freaky and enlightening stuff night and day...mostly asking for forgiveness for past transgression from the Supreme Lord of Creation and the Hereafter. Being a Muslim I call Him by the Name,  Alllah SWT. First, there is none saves One and He is the Lord thy God. .. close enough  Astarghfirrullah il Azim, AlGhafururohim. The Divine Grace of the Lords Mercy is promised to All and careful in what you ask for. You and I are trapped, we are trapped in a web of illusion and delusion from the very beginning of our moment of consciousness...........we are trapped in the cycle of re - Birth - Life - Death, we are subject tot he laws of karma by virtue of the fact that we  believe we exist as this physical form as a reality, the reality of a dualistic mind. a dual thinking mind of opposites; I am right, you are wrong!

On this auspicious day of the 21st. of June, it being Karim's birthday and all I am hereby making some small revelations of my own for the benefit of no one anywhere but for the under5standing and enlightenment of my own Buddha Nature, that which is and will always be. So here we go again trying to explain the what really is Buddha Nature? Where to begin? Every Human and Sentient Beings in general that is alive and breathing in this Universe is a Buddha, it is inherent within the laws of Being in the cycle of, Life = Death - Rebirth that life on this Planet is Alive and paying It's Karmic Debt as It manifest Itself through all of the collective consciousness , the Planet is a product of this CC.  i DISCOVERED THAT MY FAVORITE MEAL THESE DAYS IS THE SUBWAY TUNA SANDWICH!     The World is on the brink of a Nuclear Conflict and We are loosing species of creatures big and small lost into extinction and the climate is shifting into a different gear and man is becoming more and more complacent and sleep walking his way from one hole into another thinking this is who he is in reality. he is blinded by the ignorance of the masses as he is ignorant of who he truly is. He is afraid to claim the wisdom as thought by the Buddhas and Bodhisatvas of the past, present and future. History teaches nothing and man is lost in his own shadow looking to know his true nature. WE should all call ourselves ,'Shadow Walkers," instead of sleepwalkers. How can a blind person appreciate the beauty of heaven when he has never knew what color is or even what light is...WallahuAlam, only God knows.

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