Thursday, June 22, 2023

The TV Screen is the worse distraction yet a necessary evil.

More than anything else I spent a great amount of time watching videos, podcasts especially talks on spiritual development and so forth. Alan Watts and J.Krishnamurti are fading away into filed memoriesmwith what lesson was needed taped and file in special favorites where they can easily be accesable when needed, and so does great minds such as Ram Dass and Mooji Baba, Ekhart Tolle and ThichNanhtHan.; they were among my gurus and teachers, men who had helped open my eyes into what is the real and the unreal. 
Then there is NETFLIX, HBO, YOU TUBE and the Disney even. channels to choose from to waste the time away while waiting for nothing to happen.

I do some drawing and sketching while watching these videos and it helps me to pay attention to what was being said, otherwise my mind would be jumping all over like a monkey after eating the Belacan as the Malays say. Belacan is shrimp paste and monkeys are said to love the taste and the smell but they go ape crazy after. Hence the saying "Kera kena Belacan."

His Holiness The Dalai Lama has been one of my Guru spiritually, I follow his life and teachings quite closely. It would be a blessing to be able to touch his feet in this lifetime ; He is the personification of Avalokiteshvara Boddhisatva Mahasatva, The Goddess of Mercy and Infinite Compassion. Humanity will pay a heavy price if he is not listened to. What China did to Tibet the country and Buddhism the religion is unforgivable no matter the rationale or justification. It will always be in my mind this horror of man over man all in the name of an ideology. Shame on me! To be a witness to this event in my lifetime and be not able to do a damn thing except pray.

When a Great Soul walks the earth there will always be hope for humanity, we will spiritually survive what is to come. Your Holiness,  May you attain the Complete and Eternal Samadhi in the Buddhas Realm in your next Incarnation. 

Ever since I started to listen to Mooji afew years ago, the 'Rasta Guruji" I call him, I find him to have arrived at the probably the highest level of the Boddhisatva state of consciousness like that of Avalokiteshvara or Manjushri or Samanthabadra, Bodedhisatva Mahasatvas. His teachings touches more and more people around the world,  These are the Avatars manifesting to lead humanity out of the darkness we are in.

I spent allot of time in trying to make sense of Malaysian politics. Often I felt hopeless and angry at how badly the country has fallen into debts and corruption, its is unbelievable it makes one feels being made a fool of by the so called politicians. Watching the Parliamentary proceeding has become another roadside attraction, its entertaining at times and ridiculous at other, it is like watching a Kangaroo Court in secession. I realize that today I am living is dire and desperate times where the Political scenario is concern.  It was my experience on the beach of Batu Buruk in in Kuala Terengganu after listening to the Present Prime Minister gave his talk that I was trapped into taking political interest about what is going on in my country. It was in 1998 and not long after Anwar Ibrahim found himself in jail. We shook hand and looked into each other's eyes and I felt his strong spirit touches mine and ignited yet another path in my journey of self discovery -Politics.

During the Month of Ramadan I spent allot of time talking to God, asking for forgiveness for my past transgressions towards Him and His Creation. I did most of the talking and I believe He listened. I still am not able to pray five times a day as much as I tried to, but I tried to justify why as best I could. I told Him of my Devoted Love for Him even as he appears in other forms and different Names; I recognize Him in all that I do, good or evil. Without His Will and infinite Compassion nothing could have happened to me in this life, He has been my Protector and Defender leading me through thick and thin so I can taste what is the best and the worse life can offer. 
My Aussie friend Ben Ronjen had brought back this hat for me as i have asked him for one. Ben said that this is an official policeman hat worn in the old days, he removed the tin badge stuck at the front of the hat. Ben returned to Australia to be with his brother who not long after died of cancer. He is presently married to a beautiful Chinese lady living here in Penang. I spent quality times with my Aussie brother and the last was when we had lunch at the Penang Turf Club. 
How does one grow old with dignity and elegance, I am manifesting my image of man like Indiana Jones. 

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