Monday, June 26, 2023

A Moment with Lee Khai.

  Had a long religious/spiritual discussion with my Brother, Lawyer, Lee. We have known one another for more than two decades and I hold great Love and Respect for my Brother; he has been trying to preach me into becoming a Christian or accept The Christ as my Savior and I have a slight hesitant to it only because I was born a Muslim, my Parents converted to Islam and that makes me first a Muslim in honor of my lineage. I Love God no matter what form or name you accept Him to be, but I am Muslim by birth and I abide by the ways of Islam. It is not as easy as one might think, to be a true Muslim ...I am way away from being close to being a practicing Muslim. I failed at praying on time five times a day and highly doubt that I would make it to do my Haj in this lifetime and not that because I have one offered to sponsor my trip If I wish to do my Umrah. Lee is a Pastor at his own Church if I am not mistaken and I have had the opportunity to visit the congregation once or twice during Christmas and I enjoyed what I experienced, but it is not an attraction for me. Lee is a Strong and True Believer in my eyes and I greatly respect him for it. On top running one of the most successful Law firm in Town he also holds the position of ,Chairman of the Penang State Art Gallery. His Art collection I believe is second to none in size and selections, Lee Khai has a very sensitive nose for good artworks, his law firm office can easily be turned into an art Gallery. 

Lee had just returned from China where he had taken a group of Local Artist from here for a look see all over China and before he left I asked him to get me Chinese Ink and brush and some rice papers for me, but they must be of good quality and original. He did but no Chinese ink, instead Chinese water colors and scroll book to paint on. What I like about the man is that he likes to throw a curve ball and when one least expect just like a good Lawyer. Talking to him about the finalization of the state of my soul when I die was like being put before the Devil's Advocate and I have to be weary of what i express to not make an impression of submitting to another's will instead of my own or my Maker's. Not that I am trying to evade having to make a choice between the Christian God and The Muslim, the choice has been made and my soul is at stake for better or worse; I Love The Lord in my own way. I can convert to no other religious faith but I will always keep myself open towards all that I can learn from each and every religion that presents itself before me. I was once called an eclectic, I pick, pluck and choose what is best for my path, right or wrong WallahuAllam, only God knows and as the Buddha is said to have said, Right and Wrong is a sickness of the mind." I told Lee that much prefer the teachings of the Buddha when it comes to facing this realm of my existence, the physical, material realm of thought formations, the realm of illusion. I have made vows that i cannot easily drop on account of the fact that i decided to convert to another faith or religion. Not many are familiar with what the Boddhisatva Vow is and what it entails, easy just google it.

Lets not get into that it is a worn out subject an over used justification towards having to make a stand, an ultimatum of the highest nature, the choice between what is right and what is wrong in this discussion I had with Lee Khai. My submission to the Christian God of Lee's will save me from the eternal damnation that I am facing for all my past sins and only the Grace of God can save me. I agree so, as the Lord my God is All Compassionate and Merciful and He is a Forgiving Lord not vengeful, this I assume my Lord to be and I love my lord. He has led me along this path whether I knew it or not, He has been witness to my ups and downs and every now and then I felt His Mercy in the form of knocking me back on my track lest I totally drift too far from Him to be able to recover, the lifeline is lost. Never loose the Grace of the Lord no matter the form and the reason and be aware when it happens, for it does rarely happens. I feel the Presence of my Lord and yes, I hear Him in every song, chant and wailing of mothers in thr Refugee Camps all over the World. I see Him is every image even in the eyes of my cat, the smile  and frown of my children and I feel His presence when in good company such as this man I call my brother. My Dharma position when in the context of spirituality and faith is in ; Laillaha'illalLah there is none but Allah and Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah. This in the beginning, the present and the end, the rest is empty phenomena of mental formations; illusions, Not real, Maya. 

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