Wednesday, September 07, 2022

At the moment while I am writing this post my cat is stuck on the roof below my grills and I am at a lost on how to get him back up without him dropping twelve floors down. It has happened several times before where I simply dragged him out by the scruff of his neck but he has since grown in size and is having a hard time fitting in between the grills. I can feel he is scared out of his wits, what am I to do? And all the anger and frustrations stats to well up inside as the mind feels sorry for itself having to deal with the situation; the food of the ego to feel present. So just for now I choose to do nothing and let it go till new ideas of a change in the situation arises. I am in the meantime busy with my upcoming art exhibition next month. Thoughts of how what to that is needed and so on is whirling in my head, to frame, to hang to transport and where to get the funds! All I feel is I am tired! Physically, mentally and emotionally tired...and I got the whole day to worry about the cat...

                   Bochi, the one one always getting stuck on the roof.

Problems, adversities, issues, challenges will keep popping up when you least expect and so the saying expect the may not be good, still expect the unexpected, or I rather like the Boys Scouts' motto which says, "Be Prepared". Deal with a situation with calm and awareness, refuse to listen to the moan and groan of the ego self,  the small "I" and it will moan and groan. Let it, until it has no more to complain by merely observing its rise and fall and how or what makes the changes. There and will always be moments and episodes in one's life that will challenge all that you have practiced and bring you down to your knees, but they are all illusions they are there to shake your resolve and awaken you from your slumber.  I am telling myself these things more so than anything else, my on going catharsis and in this case in the present moment; what do I do? and the answer is still ,nothing! I do nothing as there is nothing that I can do except  continue painting my "Crow" painting and keep writing my thoughts down as I go along. I shall have some lunch before my gastric acts up on my empty stomach, it's almost 3;pm and have not eaten much since morning I'm cruising for a bruising as they say out West. 

I have had two cats fallen from the twelve to the ground floor and one, Furby the Mama cat survived with hardly a scratch but the experience of picking them off the floor below was not what I would like to keep repeating. Cats has nine lives they say, however they forgot to add 'some cats' to the line.


As I feel like I am running out of things worth sharing on to the Blog, I have decided to take a break from making any more postings. I hope that in time I will find my life changes a little more exciting if not challenging worth reading other than cats jumping off the roof. Perhaps i will take a year off and see what gives. 



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