Friday, July 09, 2021

It is not about the needle...

 Sometimes I feel like my consciousness projects answers to my questions or doubts about what has been bothering me but could not find concrete explanation as to why I have these doubts. I am talking about getting vaccinated for the prevention of the COVID19 virus which everyone is being jubilant about getting the shots on my face book account. It is as though in getting these two shots means one has done one's duty towards the nation and humanity at large and that like them everyone should make every effort to get the same shots soonest possible. In my earlier posting on this matter I might have already mentioned how I went for my appointed time toget the first shot but was decline due to my blood pressure spiking to way above the danger level and so I am supposed to set up for another appointment in two weeks time from the date f my first appointment after getting the proper treatment needed to stabilize my blood pressure. The fact that I was not able to be inoculated the first time triggered a question in my mind even deeper as to the wisdom of getting myself doing so. I have decided since not to pursue this anymore as I had previously bee deciding against it after a whole lot of studying about the efficacy of getting vaccinated for the Corona Virus prevention.

I have listened to, read and discussed with as many sources and people on the issue and personally found that in getting vaccinated today it would really boils down to me being turned into a guinea pig for an experimental drug that is yet to be fully legalized by the USDA no less and the World Health Organization too has yet to fully endorse in black and white over the efficacy of any of the prevail lent drugs being promoted, nor the insurance companies or the medical practitioners associations has put their full confidence into the validity of these drugs. Thanks again to the Internet and the availability of numerous thoughts and discussions both pros and cons, I am able to come to my own conclusion as to where I stand on the matter at present. The worse case scenario that I have come to witness in Malaysia is the fact that government agencies and ministers responsible for making the decisions and passing the laws over the need for vaccination are in the same doubtful state as I am and even worse yet is the fact that these ministers are in cahoot with the manufacturers of these vaccines for their personal financial gains. As there is no check and balance in the Malaysian government today due to the martial law being imposed by the King of the country on advise by the Prime Minister, the cabinet has been put on hold form making any deliberation over matters pertaining to the nation as a whole. Malaysia is still one of the most corrupted nation on earth and sadly enough claiming itself to be a predominantly Muslim country, this is like being slapped in the face for Islam is strict when it comes to usury and corruptions of any kind especially when it involves the nation. The trust level I and perhaps 90% of the people in this country is at its all time lowest and so when a minister or two makes a decision the I should get vaccinated based on their say so, well I would rather be arrested then allowing myself to be taken for a ride.

I will not go into details as to who said what where the wisdom of getting vaccinated or not, however I would seriously advice those who have doubts to keep looking into what is being discussed on the Internet and to do it intelligently and come to your own decision based on what your gut feelings tells you; or off course you can join the herd and get it over with.

A Headline in one of the local News Papers Today:(Malaysiakini)

Man lodges police report over 'empty' Covid-19 vaccine syringe

A Face Book friend messaged;
AstraZeneca shots used in Malaysia, valid for travels to EU countries.
He just had his shots. Not that it would make much difference but I reminded him that he did not have the shots simply cause it would allow him t go to Europe. It is to me about more than just my body, it is not jst a matter of principle either, I feel it to be a matter of simple common sense that involves the other two reasons. At my age travelling to Europe is no more thing to hope for and anywhere else for that matter, The hassle that is involved in taking any trip anywhere today is so ridiculous especially at the airports makes travelling much less to be desired for than it used to be. Now with this added mandatory requirement like the proof that you had your vaccines, overseas travels is well best forgotten for yours truly; I have had enough travels in my days.
#vaccines #astrazeneca #worldhealthorganization #


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