Saturday, July 24, 2021

How far or how deep are you will to go down the Rabbit Hole?

 Another ingredient that one can add to the repertoire of self discovery applications is Prayer. Prayers are a part of a healing ingredient that works well when dealing with a rowdy mental state, or when the mind has gone haywire with incessant thoughts of unresolved past incidents, of not being able or not being recognized for or being the underdog or myriads of other mostly ego centered memories and unfulfilled desires; prayers is the wet cloth that is laid across the forehead to sooth and calm down the soul. It is imperative that when one is on the journey of elf discovery a whole lot of negative energies will rise from the depths of one's consciousness mostly in the forms of past traumatic experiences or even just mind jarring events that shook one's perception and become stuck to one's consciousness and over time buried into the back of the filing cabinet of the subconscious mind. Every now and then a word, a thought, an incident would trigger these past experiences to come out of the cabinet into your present. It is being said that the more or deeper you get into the meditative state the more susceptible you are to these popping up of buried memories. Remembering to pray or chant or recall your spiritual exercise helps to put an end to these unwanted emergence of thoughts from the past. 

"The Om Purnamadah or Om Purnamidam Mantra is a universal chant for awakening the consciousness and tuning into the infinite bliss accessible within oneself.

It is also one of the Shanti mantras (Peace Mantras).

This soothing mantra is ideal for practicing any deep mindfulness or relaxation techniques, as it fosters a deeper sense of connectedness to the Universe.

Through this mantra, we seek to explore ourselves beyond our visible form and tap into the natural powers of our soul."

The Open Secret - Swami Sarvapriyananda talk on You Tube.

When I find my mind racing about at warp speed I utter the short prayer, Astarghfirullah ul azim, or forgive me Lord for all my transgressions. This short utterance is aimed at shutting down the mental drifts that is usually catering to my ego -self. It usually would lead me into more verses being followed perhaps out of years of habit and as a result the mind is quiet down to a state of  devotional - silence where the consciousness is focused more towards the divine.nature or spirit within. In the Hindu tradition especially, man by nature is a divine entity or the manifestation of the divine, however he has lost this capacity to b e a God or even a deity due to the circumstances of his upbringing or growth, his environment and his ignorance of his inherent nature and last but not least, his karmic state in his present stage of evolution. Man has the tendency to think himself into a state mental poverty, of depravity, of utter despair not realizing his true nature to be free from all these if and when he fully accept that he is never the mind nor the body. His attachment to mind and body as being who he is , is the cause of his suffering. Instead of being the master to mind and body he becomes a slave. it is like the car driving you instead of the other way round. In short you are the Boss, act like one; Be One!

"The law is not thrust upon man; it rests deep within him, to awaken when the call comes." - Martin Buber - Austrian Philosopher.

Getting to know a few fundamental laws of nature is the next prerequisite towards getting to know who you truly are. Primarily there is the laws of gravity, from the spiritual point of view I feel it to be a law of weight, of heaviness, of darkness, of pulling you down, eventually into the grave, (gravity=grave,). Then there is the laws of light, of brightness, of the lightness of being, of feathers and flight, of angels and of enlightenment. There are also such laws as the laws of attraction, the Laws of cause and effect, laws of abundance, the laws of Karma and so forth. Having a good grasp of understanding of these laws would help tremendously with the understanding of why things are the way they are or happen the way they do. There are scientific laws that governs the workings of the human form and mental states, like how the brain functions and how your diet affects your personality or why you see red, white or blue of what the cosmos is made up of and so forth and these laws too should be understood as best one could even if one is not a scientist. It may be impossible to figure out what the theory of relativity is or Quantum Physics for that matter, but you don't really need to go into these any deeper than is necessary or just stay within your scope of understanding, just being aware of their existence and implications to the physical realm is enough. You are not out to solve the mysteries of molecular biology but simply to just get to know who you truly are.

What is most important and most pertinent to have, to look into to understand and to assimilate is being aware that you are embarked upon a journey of self discovery. You are out to discover who you truly are, there is to you in this life hence anything more relevant than this and you will dedicate your whole being into unraveling all the mysteries there is to be unraveled. You put your foot down and say to yourself; this is it! As of this moment nothing shall  escape my scrutiny, not a thought, not an action and not a word that comes out of my mouth. My entire being, my very existence, my life and death is dedicated towards self discovery. Every breath I take, every move I make and every I say is geared towards knowing my true nature and becoming who I truly am. Easier said than done! Don't ask me why.

#ompurnamidanmantra #quantumphysics #lawsofkarma #lawsofabundance #lawsofcauseandeffect #enlightenment #martinbuber

To be Contd.


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