Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Don't Sweat the small stuff...the devil is in the details


"Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will be able to lead you astray in big things so beware of following him in small things."...
The Prophet of Allah,(PBUH) at His last sermon.

'And the devil is in the details' as was quoted in my earlier post by the author of the novel, The Game Of Thrones.- George R.R. Martin.

This morning as I struggled against whether to get out of bed or continue my sleep when my cat, Furby, scratched the mattress as she never fails to do so every morning just before the morning call to prayer by the Muezin.

A muezzin is a man who calls muslims to prayer from the minaret of a mosque. He leads the call (adhan) to Friday service and the five daily prayers (also known as the salat) from one of the mosque's minarets.

I almost gave in to .back to sleep as my head was throbbing with the worse migraine and the rest of my body was screaming with aches and pains especially at the pit of my abdomen. Furby won and I struggled off my bed and straggled to the kitchen to check her food situation which I had always assumed why she wakes me up in the first place. After I added more or her Whiska catfood to her bowl, I decided to drift back to back without getting angry, but she was standing by the door waiting for me to let her out which means that I too will have to get out and do what I routinely do, sit and meditate while listening to the birds from all directions and watch the hills and skies light up with the sunrise. After a while as the darkness faded and the panoramic view before me came to light all my aches and pains were practically gone and I did my awareness walking exercise back and forth along the corridor. Normally the pigeons would be waiting to be fed but this morning there were no pigeon waiting, it was as though they knew I had no leftover rice to throw on the roof for them like I always do. I felt a slight guilt in my heart over this as I was trying to avoid having to confront the birds with no food if they been there; does nature knows of these things?

I tired to think of what to write about as I finally sat down facing the computer but nothing came to mind as so I drifted from one thing to another, first the Face Book, then the You Tube, then a new series on Netflix but nothing caught my attention and I felt like I was wasting my time and decided to hit the sack and take a nap. Then I saw the link that I was quoting from yesterday, the last sermon of the Prophet at Arafah which I had left still on the page and read a few of the verses and was hooked by the above verse. The verse echoed the quote that I had quoted from 'The Game of Thrones,' ..."so beware of following him in the small things... and 'the devil is in the details.' Perhaps it is merely a coincident in my perception or perhaps my mind is asking me to take a closer look at what is truly meant by both these quotes.

Jumping back to two more generations, German philologist, philosopher, cultural critic, poet and composer, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (15 October 1844 – 25 August 1900) is quoted as having said, “Der Teufel steckt im Detail” which translates directly to “the devil is in the details.”

Here again I just stumbled upon yet another discovery that Friedrich Nietzsche had quoted this too two generations ago.

The source of the proverb 'The devil is in the details' is often attributed to the German/American architect Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe. ... In the migration of the phrases an 's' was added - the earlier form is usually 'God is in the detail'; the later form is more commonly 'the devil is in the details'.

 It gets more interesting as I keep looking into the origin of these quotes to say the least. So I am going to keep looking into this further and see where it leads me.

An older, and slightly more common, phrase God is in the detail means that attention paid to small things has big rewards, or that details are important. The devil version of the idiom is a variation on the God phrase, though the exact origin of both is uncertain.

In my search for the meaning of, 'beware of him(the devil) in little things.' as uttered by the Prophet, I could not find any thus far and so I would have to assume my own interpretation until I come across a more accurate explanation by a more authoritative source. It is my feeling that what is meant by the Prophet (SAW) is that the Devil or Satan may not be able to posses your soul,(as a Muslim), but he can do nasty things through the insignificant small things that you take for granted and become complacent about as you go about you daily life Oh, its alright I don't need to pray or take my Wudu or wash myself, or its no big deal if I take a few fruits off the tree that belongs to my neighbor or looking at my neighbor's wife with desire does not mean I am going to get her into bed and so forth; little things accumulate to become big things. 
I don't think I am making any headway towards unraveling what the Prophet meant and so I will shelf the issue for now until I get a revelation from God; no harm in hoping for answers and who better than the Lord Himself.  #theprophetsaw #thedevilisinthedetail #godisinthedetail #friedrichwilhelmnietzsche #thegamesofthrones 

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