Sunday, March 01, 2020

The Lunatics are on the grass...Pink.

It is getting harder getting into making these posts as there is so much to say but they seem to matter so little it seems like I m loosing the zest for writing  What more can i talk of that I have not already, all the concerns I have of what humanity as a whole is going through out there and what I am going through in here. I feel like I am lost in a limbo between light an darkness, right and wrong, good and evil, happiness and sadness; my emotional mental state is perturbed. I feel sometimes like I am fighting a loosing battle keeping my mind from running awry with so much compulsive thoughts over matters that i have very little or no control over. I am struggling to maintain a spiritual practice while facing all the issues I allow myself to be exposed to, of the problems that I feel accountable to personally as citizen of this Planet. A part of me says fuck it there is only so much one take or do that would make much difference, just accept with right understanding and let them go as inevitable, such Is, meant to be, as is written in the Good Book; empathize with detachment.

I feel like I am watching an epic movie of my own making that is slowly rolling down to a grinding halt, like the Juggernaut. It is like I am watching seventy years of humanity's evolution towards its grand finale minus the pop corn.Is this yet another indication of the process of one's aging? Is this truly the manifestation of my own making if I were to understand the workings of the human mind, mine at least. If I were to accept with right understanding the teachings of Non-Duality of the Advaitam school like that of Sri Ramana Maharshi and Papaji, of Swami Vivekananda and that of Swami Yogananda, then I am doing a very poor job indeed; there is just too much suffering all around me. Closer to home, yesterday Yoda my kitten was found dead twelve floors down the building and I watched my daughter's tears popping out of her eyes as she sat on the sofa clutching a pillow, I have grown attached to this kitten like she was a a part of the family but I reminded myself of letting go, or having to let go.

"Us, us, us...and them, them them..Black, black, black and Blue, blue blue blur...who knows who is who is who...Down down down and cant't be helped that there's allot to hate about, with with and without, it can't be denied what the fighting is all about..." from the Dark side of the Moon- Pink Floyd. Wanton inhumane if not brutal acts of aggression is spreading like the Coronavirus as India and Grmany sees violence towards the generally Muslim population on the rise. The death toll in Syria and Yemen has become a normalcy in hearts and minds of the global mass we call humanity and what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians is tantamount a barbaric genocide of the specie, need I feed my consciousness with more? Om Shanti, shanti, Om Peace, peace, Shalom, Peace, Asalammualaikum. Peace be with you, we greet one another in our own ways as our faith religions dictates, imagine if we have no religion to remind us this and that we are all brothers and sisters on this this my own mental projections? Am i responsible for all these suffering the result of my own Greed, Hate and Delusions that I know not of? Are these the manifestations of my own subconscious like some would say? Perhaps collectively it is, it is the collective human consciousness- unconscious that we all are a part and parcel to.

We may not be able to change the world but we can change ourselves as J.Krishnamurti expounded. How do we do this when the vast percentage of humanity lives in absolute blindness and total ignorance? We have gone beyond the principle of survival of the fittest and are in the grips of killing for killing's sake- a life for every bullet we manufacture. How do I remove these thoughts of doom and gloom from my conscious mind? I fear not only for myself but for my children and theirs as the future looks bleak and foreboding. China is said to have landed an unmanned craft on the dark side of the moon and it is considered a triumph for mankind as it is the first of its kind. How can I feel triumphant when China arrests and torture Muslims in their so called re-educational camps of the ethnic minority Muslims just as they did to Tibet? Is there anything that is left in my subconscious that is not as destructive in nature that I can project into this my self created delusion I call my life? Is this why the Hindu sages encourage renunciation or letting go. Detachment from this realm of Maya or illusion. Am I living in an illusion of my own making...where is God in all this? 

"And if the dam breaks loose too soon and if there no room up on the hilll... there's someone in my head and it's not me...and if the band you're in plays a different tune, I'll see on the Dark side of the Moon" Pink. 
#The Dark Side of the Moon,#Pink Floyd, 

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