Sunday, March 08, 2020

Together we stand.- The Corona -virus

"The Last of the Mohicans", will always be one of my most favorite tune of all time.It took an effort to weven write that first sentence and not to mention weeks of making no entry, debating, procrastinating,, or simply getting the wind of it, simply tired. 

Breath! Catch your breath! Become aware that you are breathing the when you are breathing in...out when you are breathing out. Remind yourself that you are simply breathing, it will return you to yourself, or at least brings you closer who you truly are. The theme song, that brings forth call of the wild, of the struggle to stay alive in order to bring forth your children and theirs; you are the  Last of the Mohicans, when they took your life your whole tribe became extinct; it was genocide. To me the tune played over and over again in my head is very meditative, if not relaxing and brings me back to my contemplative mood; a time to taker a closer  look at what the mind has been up to. Big Mind small mind, enlightened mind- monkey mind, all is mind; I am Not the mind. Mind is my tool of expression in relationship to the rest of the Universe - out there. I treat it with Love and respect will always be in awe in what it can do to me if not fully understood of its workings.

To understand the mind I feel. one has to understand the art of Breathing, the most primordial of all element of one's physical existence. To care or not to care, to feel or not to feel, to trust or not to trust, to belong or not to belong; I am Humanity itself. I am that I am...I vowed to carry out the task of a Bodhisattva and this shall be done in one form or another as time rises. I cannot escape my calling. Breathing in Love...I breath out Compassion, may all sentient beings benefit from this my simple practice. As I meditate to the rythm of the drum and Native acoustics I am settled into a state of a Peaceful Mind ... knowing that this too, shall pass...

I feel that the ongoing coronavirus pandemic has a silver lining in disguise for Mother nature and the Planet itself. It makes people stop and think fo one thing; life is short and impermanent, make full good use of it, squander not what has been awarded you, this human form...awesome yet so fragile, all it takes is a virus, forget bullets. This pandemic has greatly hampered travels from one country to another, this has lowered the pollution  level in the atmosphere, scientists says. Wild animals have a breath of fresh air for their survival as less people would be in the mood to indulge in the menu with exotic animals at least till all this blow over as it too shall pass... The Wu Han virus is a blessing in disguise for man to slow down with their personal agendas and focus on a common enemy that if not contained can will rip the human population apart worse, much worse than climate change would. The enemy has no face, no color, no creed, has no religion nor system to follow, it has only one intention and that is to thrive like a cancer throughout the face of the earth, it has no personal motive whatsoever.

If there is any silver lining behind the pandemic we are facing it would be in the awakening of the Masses of humanity to every corner of the Planet. It is our responsibility as the citizen of this planet to come together and practice unconditional Love nad Compassion towards our fellow man no matter his or her color or of origin. This is an opportunity to take upon ourselves to work collectively as one spirit, as a whole. Through prayers, meditation, chants, through whatever consciousness that we project into the Universe, towards the Divine, or the Source; we are all being tested to look at ourselves more closely and see our own connectivity, our interdependence.
#Last of the Mohicans,#Coronavirus,    

Gloomy! Maybe not, maybe what the doctor ordered for the better health of humanity today. Maybe we all need to go through some form of awakening within each and everyone of us to look at all the options we have and how we fare thus far as far as our very survival goes. Nah! Too bleak to look that far, too early to cry wolf. Will wait till shit hits the fan perhaps then we will consider the need for an immediate collective action.

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