Sunday, December 03, 2017

And Thy will shall be done....

What is 'free will'?

“You say: I am not free. But I have raised and lowered my arm. Everyone understands that this illogical answer is an irrefutable proof of freedom.” 
― Leo TolstoyWar and Peace

In this life nothing is free, or so it is said; especially not your 'will'. Having a will in itself means imposing it upon others, over something else, and event to happen according to your will. your perception, your impulses or consciousness. This amounts to having control over and when control id involve there is no freedom as the controller can be controlled, as the observer can be observed. Freedom comes with total submission or surrender like 'unto Thy hands O'Lord, I surrender my spirit." it is through this  giving up of the ego nature or the 'Nafs', that creature which governs our thoughts and emotions whenever we are not at home or busy sleep walking through life. It is through becoming completely liberated from our preconceived ideas and imaginations of who we are that we can approach the presence of true free will and act accordingly as, 'Thy will shall be done, O'Lord." 
Hence there is none who practice his 'free will', however everyone has their will to impose upon others, their thoughts and aspirations, their, wisdom and power, making it their birthright to do so. Thus with this misconception of what freedom or free will is we go about our daily life thinking that we are, 'free thinkers', 'freedom fighters', 'Free Masons,' free this and free that while inherently we are slaves to our own conditioned mind creating mental formations to compensate for our lack of understanding of the truth or reality as expounded by the great minds and sages throughout the ages. 
My daily 'affirmations' as part of my personal daily practice of 'auto suggestion' ends with 'I can do what i will to do, so help me God or Insha'Allah," I add this last clause as a reminder to myself that there is a higher or greater mind than mine, call it by what name you will, that i take my leave from. Nothing that has transpired through my mind all these years belongs to me in originality, all that can be said and done has been said and done and i am merely reminding myself that there are such things as the question of what free will is and how it affects my thinking mind. On my route towards absolute self discovery i vow not to overlook or let slip by any question no matter how trivia or obtrusive it may seem, I will lift up every stone and stir every hornet's nest if it means there is an  answer or a piece of the puzzle it has hidden there somewhere. This is my will, and i can do what I will to do, so help me God. 

And one who is just of his own free will shall not lack for happiness; and he will never come to utter ruin.
Read more at:  

"Righteous and crooked, hidden thoughts and deeds of man, joys and sorrows from situations and circumstances. why blame the helpless spheres for your lot, where you do have a will but they do not. To have the power of creativity, so i could replace the sorrows and mortality, I would reconstruct the spheres of free will to fulfill all of man's dreams, surely I would...."  
Robaiyat of Omar Khayam.      

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