Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What is Passion?

Then there are those who dedicate their lives towards doing what is much needed to be done for the benefit of humanity and their dedication is often overlooked by the rest of society or looked upon as it is part of the job they were hired to do. These groups of individuals all over the world perform the tasks with passion committed towards find solutions to what is most important for the future of mankind as a whole. 

They come many parts of the world with similar intentions of finding solutions and ideas as to how to improve upon existing methods of organic rice cultivation. The use of chemical fertilizers and herbicides have proven more than bad for the health of the rice fireds as well as all the existing creatures that coexist with the cultivation of rice.  It is a shame that fesh water fishes that were found living among the reeds in the rice padi like the haruan and the puyu and the sepat are almost non existent in most padi firelds all over the country. Where i grew up along the east Coast my house was located along the rice field and i know what ti was like to be able to catch fiches from the rice filed and the water ways and how abundant they were in those days when no chemicals were used. 

The retired Major si now a full fleshed farmer and his passion for the project he had instigated for the past few years has won my heart and is one of the main reasons why i kept visiting this place and hope to become a part of it. Most of the younger generation today has no patience like this and fewer still has the passion for it. I call him Captain as he is known to most around here and  he is to me  a man with a mission to accomplish in life and in his case it is growing rice in the old ways with no chemicals whatsoever,strictly back to nature.

Here he is measuring the length of the stalk of rice from a plot t make sure that it meets the standard set by the agricultural department for a good and healthy rice. Every now and then he is visited by a professor from the university who specializes in the organic rice cultivation to make sure all is well.

On top of making sure that all is well with the crop being cultivated it is also equally important to get the community involvement with the project and this has been a major issue with the farm as most of the members of the corporation, families whose land are being utilized for the project have withdraw their support for one reason or another. The Kedah State government is not much of a help in this matter as they are too busy with their political schemes. The Chief Minister or better known as the Mentri Besar who was scheduled to visit the place failed to turn up and thus causing further disappointment. The road leading into the farm hence remained not upgraded as it is usually happen  when a dignitary visits a project like this located far out in the interior  one of the benefit is that the excess roads is upgraded. How i wish our leaders are far sighted and be able to see what is good for what it is and not cater to political whims of those who only sees a chance to exploit a situation if and whenever possible.

Prayer is the one thing that comes free of charge and has not strings attached to it. The failure and success of this project rests in the hands of these few individuals whose passion for what they do has placed them among men of distinction in their lives and careers. The gentlemen praying is one of the highest ranking officer in the Kedah Development Authority. Although retired, he still spends most of his time here raising the Kelulut bees, and he does it with great passion. 

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