Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Back into the Wild.

The first thing I did upon arrival at the Farm was to take a stroll along the river to get in touch with nature up close and personal. The sound of flowing water around me further helps to ground my being into the here and now at the deeper level where the world that I was in the day before was almost a just a bad dream. 

The morning sun cast its rays through the leaves to catch the white sand creating beautiful designs on the river bed. Being alone out there in the woods listening to the calls of the mawas and varities of bird calls greeting the morning was like awakening from a sleep of nightmare into a field of tranquility. 

I reminded myself that this too was impermanent, that it too will pass, however, i savored every second of being there standing in the cool shallow flowing stream letting my mind drift with the flow of the water towards who knows where.

The smooth multicolored rocks gave me a soothing feeling of being a part of nature again, being stable solid as a rock occupying my own space among other rocks.  

I spotted the from sitting perhaps doing its morning 'Zazen' upon a large piece of rock and it reminded me of myself sitting like it every chance i get. 

From the river bed looking up into the distant skies I felt like i have at last arrived at the retreat where I hope to be able to revitalize and re-energize myself perhaps stumble upon a fresh insight or two while at it.

The rice field has been almost totally harvested after all these months of my not being here, but I still am left with a few fields of unharvested fields.

Ricefields has always fascinated me  for the sense of order and abundance.

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