Monday, February 24, 2025

Where to Begin to tell a Story of how Great a Life can Be!

 There have been many affirmations that I have adhered to in the course of my journey toward self-discovery, self-awareness, and so forth. They came from words spoken to me by my teachers and friends, by my mother and father, and the one that I had held the longest and practiced with faith and diligence is the one that I had found in the book called "The Masterkey," an inspirational book about life and how to navigate through it by Frank Haarnel and this was when I first left Malaysia with my wife and son. It became my Bible and from this affirmation, I now am beginning to feel the fruition of its merits. It is a fine feeling of lightness when your breath becomes synchronized with what is within and without. It is the feeling of complete alignment with the rest of Humanity and the Universe. I feel like a fool who just woke up to find himself a bigger fool. This is the paradox, this is the mirror, this is the gateless gate! This is where it all happens and other is nothing that needs to be done other than accept and surrender. The lines that were written are as follows...

I Am Whole! Complete and Perfect,                                                                                                                Strong and Powerful, Loving and Compassionate,                                                                                            Harmonious and Happy: I can do what I will to do!                                                                                          InshaAllah! God Willing.!

The Master Key System is a personal development book by Charles F. Haanel that was originally published as a 24-week correspondence course in 1912, and then in book form in 1916.[1] The ideas it describes and explains come mostly from New Thought philosophy. It was one of the main sources of inspiration for Rhonda Byrne's film and book The Secret (2006).

This affirmation has been with me since I arrived in the United States with my wife and son in 1973-4. Unknowingly, it has kept me alive through thick and thin. A few weeks ago, while Listening to a Neville Goddard video on a similar subject, I noticed that the first affirmation he quoted was exactly this same affirmation, almost word for word. I sent chills down my spine in the middle of the night sitting outside of my apartment enjoying the cool quiet night, I felt a shockwave of energy fly through me. I have found my 'Master key!" My gratefulness towards my Lord and Creator for having this momentary realization is paramount, Alhambullilah! Thank You, Lord! I see it now Your gift is impeccable in timing and placement. I am thankful even for this instant of being able to express my inner feelings as I am presently doing is short of a miracle and again Alhamdullilah, Thank You, Lord! It took years of persistence and stubbornness for me to be awakened by the moment I heard the affirmation being mentioned on Neville Goddard's Podcast. I have been saying it, but not fully absorbed into what I was saying, so it takes time to mature; I lack faith in who I am/was. I was destined to take the walk on the wild side, the road less traveled, and the never-ending story of how I have come to be who I am.               "I am Whole, Complete, and Perfect!" hang on to that one line, one Koan, one Mantra,                                in your belly and find out what it means in truth! Until you discover the truth it will keep your belly warm with the burning sensation like you hold a fireball in your belly and it threatens to explode unless you find the key to release its pressure. And the key is at your fingertip, has always been and you knew it not. You were not aware of your own hidden potential, with all the possibilities presented before you what will you do with it? What is my original intention? 

In the video, Neville instead of saying, "I can do what I want to do," said" I can be who I want to Be', which I like better and will adopt in my future practice. I will accept my lines better to be constantly corrected by this new program for checking my writing. Soon if I keep it up I will lose my own train of thought, not mean to be ungrateful but sometimes Self - independence matters. These lines were memorized and repeated in my mind until I became synchronized with its energy and essence, it hit me like thunder rumbling into the distance. I am The Universe! I am the eternal and formless consciousness of Being and am manifesting my existential nature in this human form; I am Who I am. I say this with utter commitment and faith that I stand by it as my 'Dharma Position.' The ground of  Primordial Being upon which I stand for each and every commitment I make henceforth. 

There are many other affirmations I picked up as I grew older and I began sewing them together like a tapestry of stories and songs, I became addicted to acquiring knowledge and seeking wisdom, I became obsessed even, and through these moments of ignorance, I lost my way every so often finding myself on the other side of light/goodness. In its earlier stages, my actions were automatically drawn by the desire to have, to acquire to possess all for the sake of feeling safe and protected. I played it safe so to speak, I was not immersed totally in my commitment but merely was still window shopping for answers. Now it is different, I am doing what I want to do, Being who I want to Be and it all comes down to simply Being Who I am at this moment in space and time...Where Do I Begin???


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