Friday, February 21, 2025

I am running a Fundraising for my Cause.

 I was hanging out at the beach today with my friend Ben, our mutual friend Eugene, who came from KL, and his friend Aamar, both Ruby Players. I met Eugene about three years ago when Ben and I made a trip to Pulau Kapas in his Volvo. I have the details of our trip posted somewhere in the Blog, with pictures and all. Out of the blue, I had a call from Ben this morning, and told me he was picking me up to go and meet Eugen at his Hotel in Tanjung Bungah. Why not? It would be nice to get out of the house, a change of pace, a change of phase. While waiting for Eugene we swam in the pool and and later swam in the sea. Has been a long time for me and I missed the salt water running down my throat and my nasal passages cleaning my sinuses. Ben unfortunately got stung by a jellyfish on his leg. Eugene stayed at the Rainbow Paradise Resort, next to the Flamingo Hotel, it is a beautiful seaside resort well landscaped with a sizeable swimming pool not too far from the beach. Sitting by the beach one gets to see Gunung Jerai directly across the bay. A few weeks ago Ben, his friend Bob from Medan, and I had stayed the night at the resort on top of the mountain. To the Malays, Gunung Jerai is considered a Mystical Mountain where Malay warriors would go to meditate and commune with the unknown. I found the vegetation at the mountaintop to be out of this world almost mythical. 

                                                               I Have a Dream

My intention is to have my first Art Studio somewhere along the coast of Terengganu, where I can easily access the sea and Pulau Kapas. It would be somewhere along the Marang and Jambu Bongkok/ Dungun area. My friend Ben Ronjen had lived at Jambu Bongkok for 6 years when he was working at the Wan Li Shipwreck off the coast of Pulau Tangul. The idea I have is to start with the least expensive Malay house and start from there. The Art Studio will evolve into an art school for local kids and an open studio policy will be introduced to have professional artists visit and exchange ideas and philosophy, I envision the facility will in time turn into an art institution. I also see the possibility of running workshops for adults from all walks of life, those looking for a retreat from the humdrum of city life.  This is the gist of my vision and imagination and I am pursuing the course that is leading me toward accomplishing this vision. I have meditated on it, contemplated and visualized the outcome, and feel confident that I have already materialized the outcome and it is only a matter of time before it will manifest in its final form. I trust that the All Mighty has sanctioned my goal and am closely being guided by the Universe in every move I make or do not. I am beginning to feel like am being led towards the right direction to be aligned with my desire fulfilled. I am now beginning to sound like Mr. Neville Goddard after having listened to his lectures just about every morning day and night. I am beginning to feel like I am a devotee of yet another religion having more intense faith and the knowledge of Power and Abundance. Thank YOU! Mr. Goddard for your awe-inspiring lessons on the true nature of my being.

                                        I have grown my beard as a token of respect for my age.

For those reading this and have any chance to spare towards my accomplishing my task I would greatly appreciate the support no matter how. I am calling for help from the Universe to make a miracle happen in the shortest of time and in the best possible way. Your help and involvement in fulfilling my dream and vision would make the story even more sure. I am asking the Universe to help me make it happen, you are my Universe answering my call. I stop having doubts and let my intentions be known widely to avoid future contentions, like how did got there, all that money! Where does it come from! He must be dealing! So I am asking for your help to nudge me in the right direction if nothing else. I am still on the road to find out. I invite you to become involved in this venture and who knows that in the end that's where we will meet in person. However, all I ask is that if you cannot be of help please do not become a barrier too, do not stand in my way toward achieving my goals and fulfilling my desire. So again I ask in all good faith to the Collective Spirit of my fellow travelers to pray for the success of my final journey. I have set the ball rolling and there is no turning back. Let us see how far it will take to get there from now on although in my mind I have already successfully implemented my desire at least in my heart and mind.

                                         I had embraced my Divine Nature at a very early age.


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