Brain neuroplasticity - 432 Hz, -2, This is what is running in the background of my mind, my brain, my neurons, and my Consciousness; I could be listening to worse and it is indeed very soothing and relaxing, try it! YouTube -'Relaxed Mind'. Why am I sharing this with you? It is my way of setting the stage for a dialogue between us even if you are a non-entity sitting in the depths of the cave somewhere in Tibet. if you by chance and misfortune to be reading this then it is indeed between us. I am sharing my thoughts and consciousness as the day progresses it is my way of keeping in touch with myself, like being fully conscious at every moment of how my time is spent, just another practice among all other practices. In Muslim Malay culture and tradition it is known as 'Amalan'. Practice, Yoga, first comes to mind, Prayer, Meditation, Contemplation, Zikrullah! or Quranic chants, The Dance of the Dervish and of Lord Narayana, the Cosmic Dancer, these are a few of the practices that are available throughout humanity; one has to only desire to know, the need to understand the inner workings of our human Consciousness is paramount in our Spiritual endeavor as human being; our brain and thinking faculty was not gifted to us because we are apes. I am who I am. Not just any ordinary Bishop or King, I Am my Father's Son! I Am That I AM! La haula wala kuataillabilla Ainliu Azim! I AM THE ESSENCE THAT IS AND NOTHING MOVES WITHOUT MY AWARENESS! This is indeed a tough act to follow much less to take up as a serious practice, however, it is not an option for me. My road, my path, my journey has led me here and here is where it is at for me as a whole and complete manifestation of who I am, I am That I am.
One of my first attempts at woodcut printing with 'Allah' in the center.I will not doubt nor will I hesitate to take on the responsibility of my claim and for whatever it is worth I will keep on sharing my thoughts and feelings at the human level to help guide those whose journeys are on the same trajectory as mine. I am the fruit of seeds that were sewn in the past by Divine minds, Gurus, and Teachers, I am manifesting the sum total of what has accumulated in my own Consciousness. I am willing and ready to let go of my past, there is no more attachment to shame or guilt, to limitations and validations from the external; I am free! Tonight, the Chinese are paying their respect to the 'Sky Deity' so there will be fireworks till late at night. I have my earphones on listening to the Brain Neuroplasticity 432Hz. Video, soothing and calming my inner state with the rattling of fireworks from all around as the distant background making it a perfect environment for meditative contemplation or chilling out; against all odds. Reading a novel or watching a movie is out of the question, for tonight the skies are littered with fireworks and the sound is deafening, I imagine what it must be like for the Palestinians day in and day out. I feel blessed and protected by the Mercy of my Lord from having to go through such a similar experience, especially as a child.
Yes, they are fucking around with the fate of a Nation taking evil for good and good for evil. Blinded by Greed Hate and Delusion, they are driven into a self-destruction spiral. There is no end or so it seems when it comes to man's exploitation of his fellow man; we feed upon each other like cannibalistic cancer viruses feeding their host, Only man is the animal that hates for sheer hate and love for no apparent reason. It is due to the lack of positive creativity in the collective consciousness of humanity as a whole that destruction and decadence take form or manifest, as they say, "Shit happens!." Whether at the personal or national level, when you step too far to the right or the left you will drift from your center, the point where you are. Humanity is drifting toward the dark side of chaos and total annihilation and it seems like there is no respite from this tangent we find ourselves in. With Trump and Netanyahu running the show who needs Dajal?! These are elected leaders bound and determined to gamble human lives to fulfill egotistical satisfaction. It is almost a diabolical predicament that mankind is being driven into by world leaders today, those who spread chaos and discord, and those who sit back frozen to their lack of courage to intervene despite the fact they see the murderous intentions being carried out against humanity.
My water color done at Kinkasan Island, in Japan.When you have had too much and enough is never enough, what do you do with yourself? You look to how to get rid of what you have no use for or so they say. It is when you have more than enough and know not what else to do that it all ends up becoming a waste and humans are one of the most wasteful species that walks the earth. The heap of nonrecyclable plastic is filling up the rivers and oceans and the groundwater is as polluted as sewage in most parts of the world where heavy population persist. The environment is slowly being eroded by natural as well as man-made disasters like there is no tomorrow. Nature has been reaped and pillaged for decades to benefit the few who have the means to exploit it while the rest of us sit on our hands helpless. The climate is going haywire while scientists try to gain control over how nature works. Floods and fires wrought havoc while nations keep their armaments building up for impending wars; oh, when will we ever learn! Little do we notice that the worst form of pollution is the one that we manifest within ourselves. Our imbalanced mental status is conditioned by our upbringing and external infestation leaving us lost and drifting as though sleepwalking has become detached from what is real and attached to what is a self-manufactured illusion/delusion. The worst-case scenario I can imagine for humanity is when I watch a 'Zombie' movie, The Walking Dead! It creates a painful sense of despair in my heart.
My 'Drip' painting."All things are contained in the human imagination; it is the Law."
The question is, how genuine and how real is your imagination? How creative and productive is it? How passionate and how much feeling do you invest into this imagination and how does it help to heal yourself and free you from the bonds of ignorance and suffering? To imagine Universal Peace to happen it will take a tremendous amount of effort that often only Saints and Prophets inherit and by Divine blessings and for me a common man I have much to do in the form of housekeeping before I can claim for myself the right to judge others for what is happening in and around my world. It is the law too that what is external is but a mirror of what is within and as such I am not completely pure of state to attain the level of a 'Spiritual Healer' or make any significant impact upon my external realm, however, it is my desire to do so and that is to serve to the best of my ability in making God's Creation a complete and perfect Beauty.
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