Photoshots have replaced pen and ink I am writing to recap my path, my journey from the day I was born till now to keep reminding myself of who I am, where I have been, and what I have done for the past 75-odd years. This was the commitment made when I decided to keep an ongoing journal sometime in 1978 when on a college trip I traveled to England. Today with the Internet, Blogging has replaced journal sketchbooks, Photos have replaced pen and ink drawings, and proper printed writing has replaced random scribbles and smudges. I stopped collecting stickers and dated and used bus tickets, dried pressed flowers and Airline Boarding Passes stuck to to remind me of what I did and where and when. I am getting too old to collect memorabilia like I used to. However, my commitment to keeping this ongoing story will continue with as sincere and genuine feelings as when the story started a long time ago sometime in 1978, in England.
The journey never ends, I have come to accept, that there is no escape from the path, the wheel are set on the tracks and there is only one direction to head and that is the next moment, the next breath, the next thought, one step at a time I am walking towards acceptance and surrender, towards Love and Submission of my whole being unto Him, Lord of the Universe, Lord of Creation, Lord of Power, Lorde of Mercy and Compassion, The One, Allah Aza W Jallaa! (a.w.j). I have a confession to make. I am no more! My past is buried and I am whole, complete, and perfect! There is no more pain or pleasure, no more clinging or rejection, no more Love or hate! I am free from this dual-thinking mind of Right and wrong, Light and Darkness! I am free to be as I am, with no hope or expectation for there is nothing to hope for. Pain comes and goes just as pleasure replaces pain is here and no more. For as long as I identify with my physical and emotional self, Pain is pain and Pleasure is pleasure. Suffering Is, None who suffers. When I am no more, suffering ceases to be. I have come to accept this simple truth today as a lesson in my understanding of the process of healing body and mind. As Neville Goddard keeps repeating, it is the process of keeping in alignment with the Whole of the UNiverse.
The Power of Imagination is Awesome! It manifests this Universe, your universe, my universe, and our collective consciousness of The Whole, Complete, and Perfect Universe. It is the power of my imagination that has brought me here, and it so happens that I started recording this truth in this ongoing journal for my own understanding of who I truly am. Am I this form and mental formation? Am I a manifestation of consciousness in alignment with my true nature, that which was before my parents conceived me to be? If so, who am I? or What am I? I asked this of three young adults, Two Germans and a Chinese from Mainland China who stopped by Ben's Shipwreck Store at the COED when they were about to leave and they shook their heads laughing. I told them a brief image of who I am, about my children and who they have become, and yada! yada! I had fun entertaining them with my stories. Earlier a young lady from Minnesota Miss Devra was surprised to find an old fart who had lived as her next-door neighbor in Green Bay, Wisconsin for eight years of my life. I told about how I survived eight years of my life in Green Bay and the Wisconsin winter. She stood up for the Vikings when I told her that I was a Green Bay Packers fan and how beautiful the fall can be especially in the Wisconsin Dells area of the Wolf River. Talking to her brought back memories.
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