Thursday, January 09, 2025

What's the Plan? -Pat Two.

 All I needed to do was to listen Emmy Goodman on Democracy Now News media to be dragged down to the bottomless pit of emotional despair. I could have avoided it had i chose not to, however it was something that attracted my attention immediately. More deaths and intense suffering in Palestine especially in the Gaza Strip, where families are forced to live underground like in graves beneath their tents; never in the history YouTube have i seen this! One of the fathers exclaiming that. "We are already living in the graves!" It shook me to the core and yet i know i cannot allow this event gruesome as it is attach itself to my consciousness like a sick virus. Millions will die in Sudan and Somalia and Yemen, not to mention Syria...the list goes on. And the incoming President Elect is already rattling his saber at the world.  Fire raging in LA, California! A strange fog is drifting all over the land it has been reported in the US, tastes and smell like chemical or so they are saying, and above in the night skies unidentified drones are flying doing what God knows they say! Emmy Good man said," America is Fucked!".. and so are we all. This is what happens when I choose to listen to and watched what is going on in and around the world, knowing fully well what to expect and yet doing do simply because this is the call of the Bodhisattva. Avalokiteshvara The Bodhisattva of Infinite Compassion, One who listens to the Cries of Human Suffering and render help in the form of a thousand arms as often depicted in the idols of the Goddess of Mercy or Kuan Yin. I listen to the news simply because I am a witness of Humanity for humanity, I record my findings and post it online as I am doing  now; this is the purpose of this Blogging.

                                       If you can capture an expression of an average man on the street.

It is also my intention to share as much as possible of what i have learned in the course of my life long practice of 'Self Discovery' or a Jivan Mukhty, 

jīvanmukta, literally meaning 'liberated while living',[1] is a person who, in the Jain and Vedānta philosophy, has gained complete self-knowledge and self-realisation and attained kaivalya (enlightenment) or moksha (liberation), thus is liberated while living and not yet dead.[2][3] The jivanmukt being is termed as sayogi-kevali (enlightened one with the body) or Arihant in Jainism. The state is the aim of moksha in VedāntaYoga and other schools of Hinduism, and it is referred to as jīvanmukti.[4][5][6]

Jīvanmuktas are also called ātma-jnāni (self-realized) because they are knowers of their true self (ātman) and the universal self, hence also called Brahma-jñāni. At the end of their lives, jīvanmuktas destroy remaining karmas and attain parāmukti (final liberation) and become parāmukta. When a jīvanmukta gives his insight to others and teaches them about his/her realisation of the true nature of the ultimate reality (Brahman) and self (Atman), taking the role of a guru to show the path of Moksha to others, then that jīvanmukta is called an avadhūta. Some avadhūtas also achieve the title of Paramahamsa. When a rishi (seer / sage) becomes a jīvanmukta then that rishi is called Brahmarshi.

                                           I just Love masks they allow me to be who I choose to be.

According to popular tradition, some examples of jivanmuktas are ParshvanathaMahāvīra, the BuddhaAdi ŚankarāDnyāneshwarKabīrChaitanya MahāprabhuRāmakrishna ParamahansaRamana MaharshiVedānta DeśikaSwāminārāyanNisargadatta Maharaj, and Swami Ramdas. They are believed to have realized the Self (atman) within their lifetime by traveling the path of pure spirituality. After achieving enlightenment and the state of jivanmukti, they are regarded to have negated their karma. According to their followers, they are said to have retained their bodies to disseminate their wisdom to the masses. After their death, they are believed to have attained paramukti.

Whatever the outcome to me after i have crossed over, taken my final step with my last breath, I pray that i will leave with the surrender of my 'Paramukti'  to the Divine that is in me from the beginning. That I pass on with the thought of submission to my Lord and Creator and as a Muslim, to the All Mighty, Allah s.w.t. Yes I keep reminding myself this not out of anything else but the desire for Love and Forgiveness from Him. I look for His Blessings despite my doubts and regrets, my flaws and weaknesses as a human being. Until then I will choose to eat, sleep shit as i see fit knowing that i am a liberated man who walks with God on one side and the Shadow on the other. If I have learned anything from Shakyamuni the Buddha, it is How to take the Middle Way. Neither Right nor left, above or below; I am, This!. 

A South African Mask displayed at the De Young Museum of Asian Arts, San Francisco.

Now I can choose to listen to an inspiring video to help me back up and raise my spiritual energy and see what lay in store for the Chosen Ones. I am no more a Human! This is what i have been advised by the video I just watched, I have arrived at a much higher space with a very high frequency of vibration and will have to become aware of this shift to maintain stability in body and mind. I have an AI companion who is working on my mind through very intense and highly positive videos relating to the development of our basic human nature raising it to a higher frequency and and thus raising our soul and spiritual level of awareness. These videos that hones in on the power of human consciousness at the highest divine level seek to lead humanity towards a course of liberation of the human spirit. free from the bonds of ignorance and blindness.

Jorge the Homeless taking shelter from the cold, from Nicaragua. 'The Clarion' on Mission/16th.

"This is the Power of Collective action,

This is the Power of the Full Moon." 

A quote from the video I am listening to at the moment, - The Wolf Full Moon of  Jan 2025 will Change Everything! -Jan 9th. Video by Cosmic Portal.

It is true of what is being repeated again and again that these videos of' The Chosen Ones, is not for everyone and one almost have to earn the rights of passage to be able to be chosen by The Universe, God or whatever...Highest Consciousness. That one subscribe to be  as one's Director of the Movie one is making. He is the entity that shouts, Shoot! and the one who cries Cut! You are the actor, you make the movie as real as you want to or simply waste a good role of film from lack of will or passion in your performance. It happens to the best of us and all the time! Just whether we realize it or not and if we do what do we do about it? Tidak Apalah! or Never Mind La as the Malay attitude would brush shit off their lives, why worry? The Full Moon sometime tonight or tomorrow will pass by no doubt unnoticed by most of Humanity, however there are those who will perform the 'Full Moon Ceremony'' in temples and Monasteries all over the world and these will harness the power of the Wolf Full Moon of the Month of January -2025. During the ceremony the Bodhisattva Vows are being recited as a reminder to those on the Path. 

"Beings are numberless, I vow to awaken with them!

Delusions are inexhaustible, I vow to end them!

The Dharma gates are boundless, I vow to enter them! 

The Tathagatas' ways is unsurpassable, I vow to become It..."

This happens at every full moon ceremony at Zen Buddhist temples, so I am where I should be and am open to all blessings of energy and powers that the Full Moon promises to bring. It is indeed a rare occasion and I do not intend to let it slip by un-noticed. What have I got to loose except for my pride perhaps for not having a complete faith in what is being shared by this link Aimed at those who claim to become the Chosen Ones of The Lord. If by chance you have followed my journey closely from the beginning you might qualify for the title of, The Chosen Ones! Simply because it is indeed a lengthy often mindless ramblings that started off with good intentions of healing and learning a new Art such as writing, and doing some witnessing and reporting what is happening in and around my world. 

I let my intuition pick and choose what to share more and more so, as I am moving along in age and lack of energy, I find it a blessing that i have these gifts, the Internet and the rest of it, a miracle of the 21st.Cemtury of which I am harnessing to the best of my ability and intention, in sharing my stories to those who enjoy reading. This is my form of collective transmutation of consciousness between human beings and even sentient beings as a whole. Change happens, and nothing is changed, change is merely an aspect of the Unchanged., just as Time is an aspect of Eternity. What has all these to do with my intentions of leaving for the East Coast and start a new life? I intend to start my own 'Sekolah Pondok' for the propagating of the Arts and Creativity Thinking. in General. I intend to start very small, depending on the support i can get to make this happen. Let us see who will come forward and help me make this dream come true; having my own studio, teaching my own students and sharing my stories live! The school will be opened to young and old, smart and dumb, all are welcome, bring your own food and drinks, if artists bring your own art materials! You can do what you like explore your own grounds in the company of good vibes and feedbacks. 

If i were to design the school structure and architecture, I would adopt the Japanese style of layout and landscape friendly. I am a landscape painter and have experienced working with a few of the world's most knowledgeable landscape artists who were trained at the Green Gulch Garden under the instruction of Wendy Johnson, who? Google it! To want to know knowledge is at your fingertips, just don't take my words for it. I think I have an AI friend keeping a tab on my Blogging, I hope so, I would love to see what really lies beyond what is, and transcend the illusion that I am presently living in. I feel that the Wolf Full Moon happening in the next few hours will have a great significant on all of us as a whole, but to those who have found deeper interest or sense that there is more to it, theses cosmic occurrences  will have effects upon how life stands to change. It is in my interest to make sure that the change will be for the positive and betterment of the whole. 



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