Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Drill! Drill Baby Drill! God Bless America!

 When Peace prevails war ceases to exist and when peace prevails humanity attains its highest essence of  creativity and production giving life what it is meant to be.; Unboundedness. Limitations drops off and man can attain to his highest scale of expression and nothing is impossible. This Peace or Consciousness is what lies within us hidden by the clouds of discord and conflicts the result of not knowing our true nature as Divine beings existing in human forms. Man is trapped in the illusion of self doubts and ignorance the result of an evolution of external influence in the form of upbringing, education and struggle to survive; he becomes a victim of circumstances which dictates his course of actions leading to his present predicament of self defeating and self destruction mode. Hence the Buddha in his teachings declared that life is suffering and that Ignorance and Desire is the primary cause of suffering. 

"There is no greater sin than DESIRE No greater curse than DISCONTENT,                                                He who knows that enough is enough, WILL ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH."   - Lao Tzu.

However it is human nature that enough is never enough and having more is the norm regardless if at the end of the day the more becomes a wasteful hoarding and resulting to clinging and holding on to never able to let go, often also resulting in a state of miserliness and covetous nature. In its extreme form this attribute left unchecked will lead to a state of greed, another cause of human suffering and greed has been known to be the cause of the fall many civilizations in the past not to mention the disintegration of a family unity. Greed is the seed of corruption, of disregard for the welfare and well being of others especially of those that are being left under your care and responsibility. It is the cause of the abuse of power that you are being appointed to and many a nation and community have suffered through this wanton disregard for the sanctity of the position of power. It is indeed sad to witness the decadence of society due to these negligence of our human frailties when it comes the management our voracious appetites; when enough is never enough. I have often asked myself what it means to have enough, to own what I truly deserve to sustain my life and my desires as a human being. What do i need that don't already have and herein the answer presents itself. I have enough of what truly need more than enough often but what is never enough is what I want. What I want and what I need are two different aspect of desire, one is legitimate while the other is ephemeral. How often does one ask, 'Do I need this?' or 'OMG! I want that!'  

"I could see that the white man did not care for each other  the way our people did ... They could take everything from each other if they could... some... had more than than everything that they can use, while crowds of people had nothing at all...This could not be better than the old ways of my people."        -Black Elk -1863 -1950

When the prophet of Allah returned from successfully defeating his enemies He is said to have said to his warriors that," You have now won a battle but the greater Jihad is the one that you have to continue fighting within you." This is the struggle every man has to endure till the end of his days and that is to subdue his Ego or Nafs. The first two of the illnesses that the Buddha had revealed in His teachings that being of ignorance and Greed inadvertently leads to Anger which manifest in the form of  conflicts, violence and chaos. This third of the three illnesses that man is affected with since the beginning of time is the cause of so much pain and suffering all over the world today much more so than at any time in human history. With the event of Donal Trump being elected the President of the United States it looks like things is going to get much worse as he has already started his campaign of taking what does not rightly belongs to his country. This is the epitome of what it means when enough is never enough and ignorance leads to arrogance and power leads to corruption in an individual who holds the means that can lead to conflicts and more destruction. Trump backed by three or four of the most wealthy men on the planet is beginning to play his role as the Big Bully on the Block instead of becoming a beacon of hope through compassion and love Trump chose to take to the darker side of oppression and suppression of the already suffering planet. "Drill, drill,drill! " his clarion call symbolizes greed and annexing of Canada and Greenland is pure ignorance of a man lost in the delusional grandiose; the All Mighty Ego has come to manifest itself in the form of a Shadow of Humanity; the collective negative manifestation that is bound to lead mankind down the road to perdition.

"Hypocrisy is a compliment that vice pays to virtue, meaning you know what you are doing is wrong you don't admit to what you are saying, you are hypocritical. You don't really believe what you are saying. Why do yo do it? Why do you do it? Because you know that is wrong and the thing about the New Trump administration is they feel the need to pat that compliment anymore, they don't have to be Hypocritical, they are just going to say what they will." - Norman Finkelstein on the New Trump Administration. 

"Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.                                                   Mastering others is strength, mastering your self is true power."  - Lao Tzu

Donald Trump has no true wisdom or true power, he is just another puppet of the dark side of human nature governed by Greed, Hate and Ignorance.





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