Time to look seriously into my plan of no plan in entering the next phase of entering the Gateless Gate or the path towards Enlightenment, "Ihdinas Siratul Mustakin..." The Straight and narrow Path of the Prophets, Saints and Rishis...the road to find out, to uncover and discover the Truth that is within The Truth. This is my Path of ]Dakwah]. My sharing of what i have learned and experienced throughout my life, as a testimony towards having walked the Path the not many have and discovered the True Nature of my Being,captured and manifested in all its forms, Who Ama I? I AM THAT I AM!,,,Am I? At midnight last night the skies all over the City of Georgetown lit up with Fireworks and the atmosphere was shattered by thunderous boom and rattles that must have scared the other creatures into their burrows and under the beds. Happy New year! Qungxi fatt chai! Yes welcome the Year of the Snake, (wood snake they say), hence a Year of Wisdom and Change! I wonder if we are seriously making the effort to change as from what we are at present we are definitely not doing to good where human suffering is concern and no to mention the suffering of other sentient beings living on this Planet alongside man. I do not need to keep barking up the same mountain with the details of what we are doing to ourselves, it is Viral! We all knows it and taken much of the crap for granted or to busy with worries of our own to care. So we make as much noise as possible and lit up the skies with bright colored lights that littered the night like stars for just a moment before snuffing out beck into darkness. The Chine usher the New year with loud noise while the Hindus light up the universe with lamps and the Muslims celebrate the New year with Spiritual Practices of fasting and extended prayers, this is what unifies this Nation on a Spiritual Level or will tear the Nation apart simply because mine is the right way, the better way the more supreme, the one and the only one, mine! My Race and my religion and i am willing to die in defend of it! This was what the May 13th. incident of 1969 was all about; the failure to communicate.
I can keep on rambling about the Race Religion and cultural dilemma that my country have faced and will be continuing to face into the future until some major change takes place through divine intervention or collective awakening of the general population towards becoming an all inclusive nation where there is only one race and that of being a Malaysian. This is wishful thinking although not absolutely impossible. For all the racial groups that makes up this country to come together in perfect harmony it would make this a great nation. The Malays, Chinese and Indians along with the other various groups found in the States of Sabah and Sarawak such as the Ibans and Bidayuh, the Kadazans and the Murut people, then there are the minor groups of Sikhs and Expats European who have made this country their second home; Malaysian is a very rich nation in terms of race, culture and religions. Sadly not many are awakened to this fact and instead chose to sow discord instead. The shift from a well guided democracy towards Kleptocracy and Race/ Religion based politics is taking a toll and corruption and negligence of duty is making this country bankrupt of its resources turning abundance into despondence. The best I can do for now is to have some understanding of what is happening in and around me as to what is happening to this country after over 60 years of Independence in 1957 after I was born in 1949.
In the meantime it is 3:5am and there is a Liverpool soccer game at four which my son wants me to watch with him; he is now snoring loudly on the sofa. I woke him up at 4 but we could not watch the game as it was not televised on the Astro Channel as it was supposed to. Anyhow I learned later that Liverpool lost the game 3-2, the first game they have lost for the season that i know of ever since they were led by a new coach/manager, Arnie Slot - a Dutchman who replace the legendary Liverpool coach, Jorgen Klop. Truth be told, I was never a fan of soccer much less watching the games on TV. This was until my son who is hard core Liverpool fan talked me into watching the games with him about three - four years ago while Savio Mane was still playing alongside Mo Salah. Now I know most of the players and a little of the the Liverpool Soccer Team History. It was also the one way I could bond with my son who I was beginning to loose touch with back then; now we never miss a game even if it was at four in the morning. Such Is! and this too will pass...Ha!
The stories we leave behind as a legacy for our children and theirs, it has to be genuine and pure, no holds barred! "If you wish to write something make sure that it is worth to be hung on the wall," someone once said just as if you wish to stir the fermentation in the jar make sure you dip your hand to your armpit. Go all the way or no way at all, however if you chose to walk the path cautiously you choose the Middle Path, it is easier and safer and it will get you across. And if by chance you find a follower or two that you can lead, help to point out the doors, scrutinize the options, make life more of a heaven than hell. blessings be unto you. In this day and age one has no excuse to claim ignorant of any given subject when it is all at the tip of your fingers. It is a matter of are you awakened or sleep walking your life. However 'ignorance is bliss' or so they say, and they are right. Ignorance allows you to be complacent and life becomes one long time of eating, sleeping and shitting and then we die...and that's ok too its destined that we do this. To go against our destiny means to take the challenge with a complete believe and impeccable faith that we are the Creator of our Destiny.
The Crimson Skies over Penang Hill.