For the sake of anger is what I fear most for when I am angry I have been known to destroy my entire collection of Prints that I did at the Printmaking Studio at the University of Wisconsin, at Green Bay. out of anger I had destroyed much of my self esteem and reputation among my closest friends and relatives; I was recommended to undergo 'Anger management treatment by a psychiatrist working out of Sau Sau Sillito, Marin County California, at US75 dollars an hour by my former Boss at H&H Ship Services. Anger blinds you. You become completely engulfed by pure darkness that knows no fear or regrets, anger makes one act more than a demon if not checked; it is nothing to brush off as normal if you have and anger issue! Admit it, accept it, and deal with Pronto! All it takes is to wake up before the nightmare hits, quit dreaming too long just because life is peachy! Be aware that you have shadow beside you demanding attention. The ego is just as mindful if not more so in order to keep you from becoming sedated by fear, or regret, the ego will not give in easy to your intentions of getting a strong hold upon it, the ego does not like being manipulated. So, what do we do? Back to square one, who is asking? Who is the master and who the slave? Who commands and who obeys? This is the ego's narrative in keeping a hold on its presence and existence in and alongside the one asking...who is asking? Who wants to know? Who am I?
Knowledge comes and goes but the memory remains.Carl Jung's works which I came upon a complete collection of it at a Thrifty Store and paid a very cheap price for a whole stack of Jung's works that someone had donated to the Salvation Army outlet near my home. I made it a study out of all of them as best i could and in some ways it had helped me to see new ways about how I perceive my mind. A hew keys unlocked my own subconsciousness and a few questions were answered. Jung's talk of the 'Shadow,' interested me most and I made it a special effort to delve deeper with guidance from the works of Carl Gustav Jung. Earlier in my younger adult life, Krishnamoorthi and Alan Watts had played a pivotal role in the development my thinking mind or as the Buddhist calls it, The Way Seeking Mind. I was slightly awakened when I stumbled upon their works in the University of green Bay Library where I was working my work-study to pay for my student life; I was a librarian. What I am saying in a long and winded way is that I had great minds that were guiding my through their life works. These were my Bodhisattvas in need who were there when I most needed them. Later came the more recent masters like Eckhart Tolle and Mooji Baba, Sunyamurti and the likes. These and along with my Teachers and Gurus who I met along the way in real life, here in Malaysia, In the US and Japan all those who I stumbled into while roaming this world. Teachers are everywhere and the teaching is Universal - like One in All and All in One; we are very closely connected more than we care to admit or feel.
Don't make me angry! You will not like it when I am angry!We as humanity have long forsake our Divine nature for material trivia that have soaked into our souls so deep that it is almost impossible to dig ourselves out of it. Then again what do I know, who am I to utter such bombastic claims like i am some Guru or Rishi sitting in my cave on top of the Himalayas like Milarepa and his Guru, Marpa used to. No, I am me rambling to myself as my thoughts prompts me to, like it or not this is me, my Blog, my writing; of Who I am and how me Function. Right or wrong, WallahuAlam - Only He knows.It is said in the Quran somewhere that all that is lived by a man was predestined and what transpires from the first breath to the last is man's choice - his free will, however all is written in the Loh Mafuz or the Book of Life. Don't quote me on this as my Islamic Studies was not good at all while in High School! But i like to read, The Quran is one of the most powerful Book to read I like knowing especially the mysteries of life and creation, death and rebirth, if there be any such thing. I enjoyed reading most of my life and was blessed to be exposed to Great works like James Michener, Leon Uris, Khalil Gibran, Tom Clancy and Robert Ludlum at the age of twelve. I have written of this subject many times in the past so if one search a little more can be revealed as the Devil is in the details, you have to search for the connections and piece them together for a complete narrative of each and every even in my life. It is like a roll of waves on the sea, it keeps in motion, creating the highs and the lows and ending washed up on the sand. To understand my writing by taking stories out of context will make a dull story, not worth making it an issue. Take what is healing and helpful and let go of the trivia and the irrelevant; time is closing in one you, not a good time to take life too seriously but live meaningfully at least to yourself; really no one has to know how you truly live.
Still one of my favorite Moments, the way I would choose to feel.How dose one calm down or pacify anger?! PATIENCE! Patience is a virtue most neglected and often rejected by most of us when facing our shadow, our nemesis, our petty tyrants, our donkey brain and monkey mind; Patience is an anecdote that is capable of overcoming anger, i read this somewhere, I heard it told me by many and I experienced it first hand on many occasions. The ability to take step back and take another breath and closely look at the whole situation from a less chaotic confused often blind rage facade to a more tranquil posture even if seemed like admitting a defeat, surrendering to the inevitable and place the situation into the Lord's hands for He is your Divine Protector and He keeps His promise to Protect you if you are a true believer; Allah {swt}, Loves You, no doubt that! So does Christ and Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna and host of other Gods that we have chosen to believe in and put surrender our faith in. Being able to practice Patience in our daily life we can tear down barriers between us, we can learn and teach each other what we have realized over the years of small and big things that makes the world go round. Ya Sabur! The Beautiful Name of Allah meaning The Patient.
As-Sabur The Timeless, The Most Patient, The Patiently Enduring (He Who Times Everything Perfectly)
Posted by Dr Q Ashfaq Ahmad | 29 Aug, 2017 | Beyond the Box, Education
Muhammad Ali would dance around his opponent and seldom attack until the right moment and with one blow he would flatten his adversary; Patience in the Ring as it was called. I cannot ascertain who coined Ali or Howard Cosell, but it described Ali's Style.
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