Saturday, October 12, 2024

Surah AlFalak or the The Dawn verse for removing the veils,{of ignorance}

 Al-Falaq or The Daybreak[1] (Arabic: ٱلْفَلَقِ, al-falaq) is the 113th and penultimate chapter (sūrah) of the Qur'an. Alongside the 114th surah (Al-Nas), it helps form the Al-Mu'awwidhatayn. Al-Falaq is a brief five ayat (verse) surah, asking God for protection from evil:

۝[2] Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak,[3][o 1]
۝ From the evil of His creation [p 1]
۝ And from the evil of darkness when it settles[q 1]
۝ And from the evil of the blowers in knots[5][r 1]
۝ And from the evil of an envier when he envies.[3][9]

One of my most favorite surah is the Al Falak or The Dawn and this I had memorized since I was a boy learning how to pray at the mosque on Fridays growing up in Sungai Pinang among my Muslim Brothers and sisters and the rest of the relatives and friends. I am emphasizing this detail simply because i was raised a Buddhist at the same time as the Devil they say is in the details read my Blog! This short surah was among the five surah I had memorized just to qualify for a complete prayer. But as I got to learn the meaning of what is revealed I held on to it as part of my armor to shield myself against evil or negative forces. I grew up in a mangrove swamp or tidal wave coastal area and the rest I leave it up to one's imagination or read my Blog for more details. So why did I chose to learn a few verses from the Quran was because I grew up having to deal with being afraid of the dark and needed some form of security blanket. On many occasions reciting this verse had kept me from harms way throughout my life. I can say this is one of the verses hat had kept me close to Allah {SWT}. I realize that I cannot urge my friends to learn this short verse especially if they are not Muslims for the benefit I have discovered for myself over the years and still does; learn this verse it is one of the most protective prayer seeking refuge in the All Mighty Lord of The Worlds from all kinds of seen and unseen attacks and evil intentions that we face with every moment for as long as we are breathing in and out often unknowingly, unconsciously.
We are very fragile creatures and we don't know how fragile we are until we run short of breath and struggling to take the next inhalation to happen but it did not come, and you panic, and you catch yourself and calm down the mind from loosing it, you take a slow breath and recite the first verse that comes to mind and you surrender yourself to whatever next ...innalillahi wainnalillahi rajiun, From You i came, unto You I return...I Am No More. It is much better than "OH shit!" or "OH My God!" ...I can keep going on when it comes the subject of death but I will stop here and move on. The next less negative subject than Death is Fear! All my life I have had to deal with my Fears. I keep on writing about it over and over just so I can makes sense out of it, so that I less haunted by it so that I can claim for my self back the Devine Nature in me. I am more than meets than meets the eye, at least i keep reminding myself this that I am Whole, Complete and Perfect! Strong and Powerful! Loving and Compassionate! Harmonious and Happy! And I can do what I Will to Do! Insha'Allah! So Help me God. Just to be reminded it took 75 odd years to realize something so simple as this, 
Part of why I write what I am writing thus far is because I am in a way answering those who wantonly criticize religions and faith of others and have the audacity to make claims over claiming the existence of God or otherwise making a mockery out of religious practices of others and so forth on the Internet. I always believe having a healthy respect of other people's faith and believes. There no right or wrong religion and no right or wrong faith, to me there is only Faith, Unconditional Faith and I have my faith in the few verses of the Quran and would recite them in my times of need and my meditation periods. As a Buddhist one would take refuge in the Triple Jewels, The Buddha, Dharma and Sangha! As a Christian we take refuge in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and as in Hinduism there are millions of Gods and Deities one can take refuge or take protection from. In Christianity, the Crucifix is a potent Symbol of The Lord's Divine Power in this material realm but in Islam there is no symbol to cling on to or make a crutch out of; all there is, is only unconditional faith and complete surrender to your Maker. 
"I seek Refuge in the Lord of Dawn!,
From the Evil of His C[c]reation!"
Try to wrap the full meaning of these first two lines of the Surah around your head. The Lord of Daybreak, the Lord of Dawn, the Lord of the Rising Sun or Sunrise! It is a matter of interpretation to each an individual mind and most minds simply do not think about it, not
anymore. Suria Namaskar or salutations to the Sun every morning is a very good form of Yoga exercise to start the day whereas the Muslims have the Subuh or Fajr prayer to perform just as the Sun is about to rise. 
'From the E{e}vils of His C[c}reation.
Off course God creates evil although not in His image still there is not a thing that is not God created, good and evil included. Man has free choice and intelligence and he is put in this world as an expression, a manifestation,  as an actor in part of a divine play: man is expendable. His ticket out of this predicament is through waking up to the reality of his life, his existence, Who is he? Who Am I? 'He who knows himself knows his Lord.' Getting to really know the Lord one has to awaken to what this creation is all about. It is allot of work to get there for most as it has taken 75 odd yrs. for me and still I am drifting sometimes in the dark loosing my sight of the light.  

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