Saturday, October 12, 2024

Rambling on about insignificant matters...


                                        A Farmer looking at some Tools on Chulia Street, Georgetown

He who truly knows Allah will love Him, worship Him and show Ikhlass (sincerity) towards Him.

Ikhlass (sincerity) is like Jannah (Heaven) for a Mu&"men. It is the soul of the pious and a secret between Allah and His slave. Ikhlass thwarts evil thoughts and Shaytan&"s (Satan) whispers to the slave. It means directing all of your actions to Allah and no one else. The Mu&"men must not seek the pleasure of anything or anyone except Allah. He must never seek praise or tributes from people, but always expect rewards from only Him alone.

"Say O Prophet, He is the One and Indivisible, Lord of Creation, Lord of mercy and Compassion, The Creator of the heavens and the Earth....Allahu Akhbar!

A Wannabe Rock Star who fell short of his Aim, at Mike's Place on Love Lane, Georgetown,Pg.

Al Ikhlas means 'The Sincere', the pure and the Blameless. These are the attributes of The Lord among the One Hundred Beautiful Names that the One goes by. The perfect man lives by these attributes thus emulating Allah's Image, Al Insan Kamil is he who bears the attributes and virtues of the Divine completely with knowing it, he closest to the Prophets and Mystiques, but he is unaware of his status and continues to live like a beggar on the sidewalk of life. Be as it may that life is an illusion, that all that can be heard, seen and taste are all nonexistent except in the mental faculty or the conditioned mind. You see and and experience what is before you and behind you, above and below you and you experience what is within you and without and at the end of the day you drop dead and just before, you have a replay of your live like a documentary on a  slide show on a screen=wall. Each passing image triggers all kinds of thoughts and emotions within you, like good bad, guilt and happiness and you are entertained to the very creation of space and time if you had understood thus far and if you don't it stops there right where you are  supposed to be and realizing that ' In the End Nothing Really Matters!' 

Aspiring to become a Man of wisdom and knowledge with the heart of Love! Kasih!

Created in the Image of his Maker, perfect man maintains his composure under any circumstances filling the role he is created to play while dancing to the rhythm that Universe is vibrating on. I am not and never claim to be a preacher or even pious by the right sense of the word, but i like to try my best to remain genuine and sincere, especially in my faith and fortitude towards my Lord and Creator. The Lord is ONe and only ONE; I do not exist!
The Lord does not need to justify His presence not to any other than Himself. Not believing in Him does not hurt Him in any way. The sooner I learn to surrender to this simple truth the better for me to find more peace and tranquility within and without without any fear or guilt for my actions; I am not the doer of my actions, I am my Lord's instrument in action.

"According to George Sale, this chapter is held in particular veneration by Muslims, and declared, by Islamic tradition, to be equal in value to a third part of the whole Quran.[3][4][5] It is said to have been revealed during the Quraysh Conflict with Muhammad in answer to a challenge over the distinguishing attributes of God, Muhammad invited them to worship.[6]

Al-Ikhlas is not merely the name of this surah but also the title of its contents, for it deals exclusively with Tawhid. The other surahs of the Quran generally have been designated after a word occurring in them, but in this surah the word Ikhlas has occurred nowhere. It has been given this name in view of its meaning and subject matter."- -- Wikipedia.



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