Friday, October 04, 2024

The devil is in the details =Jingme Lingpa

 Jigme Lingpa - Dzogchen enlightenment through 6 & 7 chakra activation

There will be no stable transcendental wisdom as prajña and jñana until the 3rd Eye or Wisdom Eye or Divine Eye is activated. All the traditions mention this direct correlation between the activated Wisdom Eye and what’s called “enlightenment”.
This activation can be induced especially through using various forms of sunlight gazing (and thogal), Yangti Dark Retreat, kundalini yoga, pranayama with kumbhaka, nirvikalpa samadhi and spontaneously with or without influence from a realized guru (“realized” meaning “with an activated 3rd eye”).
Thinking, conceptualizing along with self-oriented intentionality, contract the chakras in general and the heart, 3rd eye and crown chakra specifically. This is why ALL the mystical traditions require non-thought and dissolution of the “personal self” illusion.
In absence of all mentation and illusions of personal selfhood; the chakras expand and function naturally, as in very young children prior to being brain-washed and the development of the egoic selfing brain processes.
When the heart chakra is fully open, the wisdom of “no self” appears spontaneously.
When the 3rd Eye is open, clairvoyance and brilliantly sharp wisdoms and intuitions arise, and the ability to see into other dimensions occurs.
When the crown chakra at the fontanelle blossoms open, oneness with the Divine Nature (or Buddha Nature) is revealed along with “out of body experiences” and primordial perfection is then known.
This is like transforming into a butterfly where you had always been trying to fly while still being a caterpillar. When still a caterpillar you think and know with a caterpillar’s brain. For humans this means trying to understand the Absolute with a limited human monkey brain. Activating the higher chakras is knowing via a butterfly’s cognitive faculties.
It’s discovered that the Divine Consciousness has always been one’s unchanging subjective Beingness and awareness. The reason you don’t see this very easily is because you AS the Divine Consciousness already are too busy pretending to be you the “seeker”. (lol!)
“The reason for this is that the ushnisha (upper crown chakra) has no size, but pervades the ultimate expanse. When all the thought constructs (sem) dissolves into the chakra of the ushnisha (upper crown chakra), buddhahood is attained."
Jigme Lingpa

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