Thursday, October 03, 2024

It's a Never Ending Story of Self Discovery.

 Netflix has a Hindi movie entitled Kalki, a fictional story with the main characters based on the Hindu Pantheon of Gods and Deities  from the epic saga called the Mahabharata or the Big War. This movie for those who have some knowledge of the ancient Hindu myth and religious folklore especially the main characters wielding super powers would prove more interesting. However the younger generation today with their absorbed in the video games are less to be interested of the origin of this Netflix movie which is a cross between a Sci-fi and religious revelations created with exotic landscapes and out of this world machineries, purely for good if not somewhat violent entertainment. 

"Following the Kurukshetra WarAshwatthama attempts to kill Uttarā's unborn child. For committing the act, Krishna, the 8th avatar of Vishnu, curses him to roam the earth as an immortal and witness humanity's misery as a result of societal and moral deterioration during the Kali Yuga. His divine gem is also taken from his forehead, and his redemption is destined to occur only by protecting the mother of Kalki, Vishnu's 10th and final avatar, towards the end of the Kali Yuga.[c]"  -Wikipedia

Kalki, the tenth Avatar of Lord Vishnu is said to be the final Avatar to walk the earth before its final demise or the end of the Kali Yuga, just as in Buddhism the coming of Lord Maitreya as the final Enlightened being to lead humanity out of the age of chaos and darkness and just as in Christianity the second coming of The Christ and in Islam the coming of the Imam Mahdi. These are the spiritual beings prophesized by each related religion that would appear at the end of time when humanity and the universe will go though a major shift in the form of destruction and rebirth. As in most such cases the devil is in the details and the detail is too long and elaborate to share here, however suffice to say that it is inherent in practically every major faith in humanity there is a coming of a savior in the form of a Great teacher or a prophet or a  spiritual warrior who will lead the faithful away from the enveloping darkness into the light of consciousness. At least this is true for all those who are true believers or have some form of faith in spirituality and the afterlife. For the non believers and the atheists there is not much to talk about and this is not saying that they are wrong or right, it is just as it is. Having faith and believe in God or any form of religious understanding is not an easy thing to explain; it is just a matter of faith. Do man need to have faith? Why? these are not easy questions to answer and most of the time only through personal experience and some intense form of practice and study can one arrive at the truth: "and the truth shall set you free"  

Free from what? Free from suffering off course says the Buddhist and the Hindus and perhaps most other religions. "Hidup ini adalh sengsara," life is suffering in Malay and the word sengsara originates from the Sankrit word Samsara, suffering which also 'Dukha' in the Pali canon. From the day day we were born till the day we die life is suffering and none suffers more than our mother. Hence spiritual or religious practices are mainly aimed at understanding fully the nature of human suffering which the Historical Buddha laid out in The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism. I am not expounding Buddhism and its detailed structure however one can Google it for better understanding if one is interested to know better. Knowledge is said to be wing by which we fly to heaven and ignorance is the weight that drags us down the pit of darkness; most of us today live in ignorance and are satisfied with this state so long as we have enough if not more than what is needed to live. Most have no concept of the awesomeness of being alive, the miracle of simply being able to breath and to walk, most are living in a state of sleepwalking and self denial. This is not good or bad for those who are awakened to the nature of reality and of existence itself as to these minority of humanity there is truly no one who is experiencing this state we call living. In essence we are consciousness manifesting in the form of physical beings with conditioned minds a product of being influenced by our environment and mental perceptions. None is free from this state of existence save those who are fully awakened from the bondage of illusory deep sleep we find ourselves in.

I have found myself repeating this scenario of human existence for years and numerous postings in this Blog for one reason or another. Sometimes for lack of things to write about, sometimes to come to a better understanding of my thoughts on the matter and sometimes simply as a reminder to myself of the intuitions that has emerged from this activity and last but not least to better myself as self expression in the form of good writing. I cannot claim myself a professional writer as my English has yet to be better polished. It is thanks to the Internet that I have been able to come this far, however in the process I have learned more about who I am and how i think and what makes me tick, my strength and my flaws, are exposed by and by, sometimes more than I had anticipated thus making this activity a form of catharsis in my self development and understanding. In the process I also become my own teacher, my own Guru, my own critic and my own Deity, my own Buddha Nature; this Blogging has morphed into my own 'Self Reflection,' revealing to me who I was, I am and I aim to become and it is an on going process. A never ending story that encompasses 75 years of existence on the planet thus far.


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