Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Oh what a world we are living in!


These days just browsing the YouTube videos and podcasts titles makes me want to have a lobotomy so as to empty my mind from all these views and interviews being expressed for and against one thing or another. The paradox of the Internet the pros and cons of having too much knowledge exposed at one's fingertips at the end of the day all one finds is that it all amounts to battles of the All Mighty ego one out doing another at the cost human lives and the very existence of humanity itself. As the world is becoming embroiled into deeper and deeper shit we begin to see how what we proudly call our civilized world become unhinged and shatter at every corner like a house of cards. It is like we are waiting for the final countdown while watching ourselves being taken for a ride high and low by the powers that be. The only peace to be found or so it seems is in ignorance, where ignorance is bliss. Ironically most spiritual teachings stresses the ability to remain in complete abstinence from being sucked into the external physical realm of existence and it is also stressed that what is out there is not real, it is all an illusion, mind created and manifested falsehood that is set to mislead or led astray our own inner peace and tranquility.

It is and has never been easy to achieve this state of silence and being removed from the entanglement of social life or what is out there. It is like trying to escape a whirlwind of your own making and not get hit by a flying debris, forced to find a hole somewhere safe while anchored to the ground. However, every now and then when one is able to find the solace and peace within through practice or simply discovering a soft comfort zone to lay the mind down for a brief respite one discovers that it is all part and parcel of what is called life. The ebbs and flow of life is inherent in all as we float down this river towards the ocean of consciousness and merge completely with the Whole or the One. Some say that we are Gods in human form and at the end of our journey we claim our rights as Gods incarnate if and when we have a thorough realization  of who we truly are otherwise we keep on evolving until we attain to this  the Divine Nature, our Real Self and Buddhism take it a step further by discarding this Self and becoming One with the the Eternal Being or the Void or the Emptiness or Cosmos whatever your understanding of it to be. In Islam it is said that only Allah Azza wa Jalla,{awj} truly exist and others are but His creation and manifestations from the microcosmic to the macro parts and particles of this Universe to accept otherwise is Kufr or blasphemous. Hence I really do not exist except as a temporary vehicle of God's manifestation and when all is said and done I exit this life to return to Him to Whom I truly belong like a drop of water returning to the ocean. Innalillahi wainna lillahi rajiun! From Him I came to Him I return, Insha'Allah. 

What does Azza wa jalla means.

The word ‘Azza’ is derived from ‘Izzah’, which means might and power and the word ‘Jalla’ is derived from Al-Jalaal, which means greatness and reverence. Therefore, the term Azza wa Jalla is an attribute of Allaah which means that He is the Owner of Greatness and Reverence and that He is The Most Strong Who is never defeated.

Allaah Knows best.  - from, islamweb.net

The impermanence of life is accepted by the Muslim as one of God's gift to man to remind him to make the best of our allowed time here in this physical life and to keep as a reminder that all of us will end this life and return to our original source where we came from and be judged of our performance while being alive whether we have fulfilled our obligations as Muslims towards That which have created this  Universe and all that is for our benefit. It is like the graduation commencement from this school of life. It is also to for the reflection of the legacy that we would leave behind us for the next generation. The impermanence of life also helps to keep us from being overly zealous in pursuing what is not permanent such as fame and fortune through greed and self aggrandizement to be frugal and charitable in our dealings with thee rest of humanity. Death is to be accepted as a matter of course and to be a lesson and a reminder of our fragility such that we do not become arrogant in our demeanor and behavior towards our fellow man, that we may escape the laws of man but not the laws of the Creator of man. This much I have my faith in having lived this life for the past 75 years having tasted the best and worst that it has to offer and I am still unprepared to face my Lord to face His final evaluation of my brief stay on this plane of existence.   



   I shit green pea every time I think of Judgement Day! No shit! I also look forward to it with the yearning to know and understand , what it was all about; this! Life!


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