Friday, June 21, 2024

Are You a Buddhaa?

 When asked what makes a good Father image the Buddha replied, "How would I know, I never has to raise a child and my only son was raised in the palace with his mother. Not a good question to ask a Monk." The Historical Buddha had never had this issue raised, I just made it all up! But the enlightened One has an impeccable memory of their past lives as fathers of one kind or another, failed fathers, righteous fathers or just simply your ordinary father. The enlightened Ones are said to have the capability to recount their past lives from eons of existence in the physical realm and they are said to have evolved spiritually to attain Buddhahood free from the life off suffering, this is the final result of discovering one's true Buddha Nature while still in this life, to become One with the Essence Itself, ..."I AM, no more!" These were the Buddha's last words before he attained to Pari Nirvana, His physical demise for the last time. One can say He became One with the Void or emptiness or He  entered and drowned into the ocean of Consciousness, never to return, absolutely cleansed of all residues of karmic stains and complete and absolute detachment from ego, No Body, No Mind....all are Emptiness or Absolute Consciousness, as what is form is emptiness and what is emptiness is form, the same is true off thoughts and feelings, impulses and yada, yada! Study the Heart Sutra, the essence of the Buddha's psychological teaching about the nature of the Universe of Beingness, the Nirmanakaya or the Tri-Loka, the three Worlds or realms of existence in Hindu and Buddhist cosmology. It is written that the Historical Buddha was beseiged by all the Gods and Deities to return to this earth and share His wisdom of Enlightenment and End of Suffering, to give up His Buddhahood and take on the role of a Boddhisatva to deliver Hinduism from sinking deep into chaos and darkness where human sacrifice were a common norm and the caste system deprived man of his pride and dignity. The Historical Buddha was born at a time when the religious and social conditions in India was in dire need of a major clean up. Gautama's Journey from cradle to grave was an exemplary lesson about life. To realize that life is suffering and to manifest the cure for suffering through becoming awakened to the Real and removed from the Unreal. To pierce through the layers of illusion and rediscover the genuine, pure and unadulterated Consciousness of Being who you truly are; Are you not the Buddha?.

After that short lesson on Buddhism I wish to share another important issue in my life that had just transpired and that is as a resolution on the first day of Aidil Agzha I have decided to make every effort to pray five times a day hence forth. I did already and will keep on doing it Insha'Allah. What brought this on? I was talking to God three early mornings ago while walking back and forth along my apartment verandah, about three am. to be precise. The answer came right at the last moment when I was going to give up and hit the sack," Pray five times a day like everyone else. What is stopping you from prostrating before your Lord but your ego, your nafs." When else need i say but to awaken to the truth and take action as demanded even if it is just another illusion. I will bow and prostrate before my Lord along with all Beings in the six realms, ten directions and may it bring joy and peace to all in these times of hardship and suffering around the world. My I find peace within my heart and mind in the process to be able to continue to be creative and productive in all my endeavors in this life. May i be able to face all trials and tribulations with right mindfulness and right consciousness.   

Today, the 21st. of June is my son Karim's birthday, he just turned 23 and I did not know this until he told mein the car while i was driving him off to the airport for his flight to KL on business. How the years flew by and how my son has transformed from  the little boy i used to carry  on my back in the child carrier wherever i went in San Francisco to and assistant manager for a major communication product company including Switch which sells Apple Products around the world. I am proud of his achievements thus far in his career and i feel the he will improve further in this in time.  What I am a bit concern about him is his social lifestyle as  Karim is glued to the products he sells, he is stuck to the computer, the handphone and even his watch to run his life. Karim hardly leaves the house and is turning into a social recluse. He spends hours playing the video games on his off days sometimes all night long until he decides to eat and sleep in the daytime. I am most probably describing about 80-90 percent of the young adults today and it is a wearisome trend that i find as it can or has become an escape route for most of these young adults, not a very good habit although it may have some positive aspect to it the bad out weighs the good in a character. But who am I to tell what is good or bad when I look back when I was 23 I was not the best of human specimen with a drinking problem and devil may care attitude towards others while serving my own egotistic demands and desires. Compared to me my son is not doing too bad. While driving him to the airport I tried to have a conversation with and it ended with, "You have to chill a bit Karim and develop a good sense of humor." He looked aat his watch and said," I am chill, my blood pressure reading says I am doing fine." end of conversation and after that he told it was his birthday today.


Today the 21st. of June is also the International Yoga Day as declared by the United Nations. According the world famous Hindu Mystique, Sadhguru who founded to worldwide movement of the Isha Foundation, on this Summer Solstice Day the Adi Yogi, {Lord Shiva} appeared some 15000 years ago in the upper region of the Himalayas where he sat for a very  long time in meditation and the thousands who thronged to his presence eventually gave up and left leaving only seven Yogis who were moved by the miracle of his ability to sit without food or drink for months and later these seven Yogis became the first student of the Adi Yogi and upon completion of their transmission of what it means to be human   they were sent all over the globe to spread spirituality to humanity. For more complete detail on this subject feel free to Google it. 


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