Friday, June 14, 2024

The International Conference for Gaza - Jordan

 Urgent Humanitarian Response in Gaza - The International Conference on Gaza in Jordan.

A the moment everyone is out to lunch so I take this break to express my two cents worth of what I feel of the conference that had several countries expressed their pledge towards the restoring of Peace in Palestine and how to save more lives from the killing fields in Gaza. Thus far nothing new has been expressed that would make much difference to the fate of the people of Palestine especially the children and women of Gaza. Everyone of these countries are willing to pour all the financial assistance and aids in all shapes and forms towards the plight of the Palestinians. This included the European, Iraq, Spain, Morocco, Slovenia, Rwanda and a few others including Indonesia which really made any genuine gesture including the taking in of children and those who are in need of medical attention to Indonesia to be healed and returned to Palestine when they are healed and the crisis has ended. Perhaps i am being very pessimistic over the whole conference as I do not see how anything can be carried out until Israel and the United Sates says otherwise. However this is the game of chess at its final and critical stages and the only way for anything to happen if and when there is a willingness for the United Nations is ready to call for a Peace Keeping Force in Palestine. I am positive there will be more than enough member states of of the UN willing to volunteer their arm forces to carry out this responsibility like they did in the Serbian conflict, Somalia and the Congo in the past.

The UN Security Council will be a hurdle to this action if it were to be tabled, it is now the time to take this self serving members of the Security Council to task even it means to bypass any off their involvement; let these so called major world powers hackle among themselves and keep their armies from being called upon unless they volunteer their services. One of the causes of this conflict  being prolonged is because of the Security Council finger pointing and foot dragging self serving attitude towards not being committed to world peace. This is the ego driven manifestation of the dark side of human nature influence deeply by a collective sense of greed, hate and ignorance, the three illnesses that had plagued humanity since man learned how to walk. In the Biblical narrative Caine slayed his brother with the jaw bone of an ass making it the first known murder out of hatred and envy and ever since humanity has been in conflict in one form or another over one reason or another. If we don't have anyone or anything to be in conflict with we will keep on creating one like Star Wars, Aliens and unseen villains from the dark side. From the trend of things it looks like it is not getting any better as we get into the future and possibly till we end ourselves in a Nuclear holocaust and then really there will be no one left to blame or be in conflict with anymore. 

Again I am reminded of the Prophet of Allah {awj} warning of the jihad that is to be won within me. The battle that is ragging in my heart of freeing my soul from the darkness that i have accumulated over time like layers of veils hiding the Divine light, the essence of my beingness, of who I am. In the Buddhist narrative this is the karmic accumulation I have incurred through mindless transgressions or my sins to put it in the Muslim perspective. The Devine spark that Allah has endowed me with when i was created before i was conceived by my parents, the light that generates the energy to keep the motor running while I am still alive buried deep within the layers of defilements so much so that the light is hidden within the heart turning it into a black coal which can only be retrieve when burned by the hottest flames of hell fire in order to expose it again into the pure light of Divine Consciousness; it is like polishing the coal to retrieve the diamond within, this is the Jihad. I know I am running out of time for the task but ever since i woke up from sleep and realized the state of my corrupted heedless mind this has been the focus of my attention, to do my utmost to liberate my soul. I believe in the fact that Allah {awj} is oft forgiving and most merciful and in this I place my faith. This is in essence is karma yoga as the Hindu of the Vedic tradition imparts to those who seek for the liberation from this life of maya or illusion. Like a drop of water seeking its way to the ocean I have traversed through all manner of distractions and tribulations like a cork floating down the river from the wilderness of the mountains being wafted here and there sometimes stuck in between rocks and weeds and sometimes floating freely and effortlessly carried along by the flow of the stream and rivers headed towards the final destination of the ocean of consciousness; the Throne of Allah {awj}, The Arsh.

Al-ʽArsh (ArabicالعرشromanizedAl-ʿArshlit.'The Throne') is the throne of God in Islamic theology. It is believed to be the largest of all the creations of God.[1][2]

Surely your Lord is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days, then subjugated the Throne, conducting every affair. None can intercede except by His permission. That is Allah—your Lord, so worship Him ˹alone˺. Will you not then be mindful?— Surah Yunus 10:3

Whatever the outcome of the International conference on Gaza sponsored by King Abdullah of the Kingdom of Jordan may be it is yet another victory for Hamas when they dared to shake Israel by the tail, it has woken up the whole world into an uproar to the inhuman act of aggression by man to his fellow man, not only in Gaza but the whole regions of conflicts that is taking place all over the planet today. Only the spiritually blind and the walking dead will fail to feel the need for a spiritual awakening and combat these illnesses that has befallen humanity causing sorrow and untold suffering to young and old. What is the sense of being the mightiest of empire in the world, or the richest man when your subjects are in dire need for peace and harmony just to make it through the day. As each and every man has to reclaim his pride and dignity to called a civilized man so does the humanity at large; we have lost our souls in the pursuit of material wealth and power and lost our sense of connectivity to our fellow brothers and sisters and not the mention our children through being too busy in keeping up with the Jones. What legacy if we have any is worth relinquishing to the future generation other than the bleak history that we are in the making. Mankind today has his hand drenched in the blood of the women and children and not only in Palestine but the entire conflict riffed regions of our sad  sick world.    


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