Tuesday, June 04, 2024

"Shine on You Crazy Diomond...!"

 My hernia wound is healing up well except for the swelling around the general area which according to Ben Ronjen , it is natural and will be gone in time. Ben should know he was once a registered nurse in Australia and he just had his hernia problem taken care not too long ago at the same Lam Wa Ee hospital. Yesterday evening i had hung out with Ben, Erik from New Zealand and a new guy Richard from South Africa close by at his shop at the Hin Bus Depot, it was then that I showed Ben my 'War' wound for  free medical update. For those of my readers who are not familiar with the names and places i am talking about, we live in and age where its all at the fingertips, google has it covered. If you are a believer in the fact that Devil is in the details it might be of benefit to you if your are planning on travelling along this way for no special reason, come hang out with us when you come by Georgetown, Penang. We have one rule to abide by and that is 'Racism is not Tolerated,' in any form, shape or sizes and in any slurs and snipes or simply sharing a thought or an idea. Just my thoughts which would later include the wearing of 'Debonair Hats', as a collective image, will make pipe smoking as another possibility in the later time, but for now this is it. In the meantime suffice it is with the one rule that should cover all possible animosity being ignite among gentlemen out to simply have fun at the end of their days. So all are welcome foreign and locals alike: Welcome to the Lazy Man's Club.

What is the pain of my hernia operation compared to the suffering of injured, hungry and dead children in Gaza?! Being put under while the doctor worked on putting back my intestine into place where it should be was short of a miracle of Anesthesia and I cannot imagine what it must be like to have your arm or leg amputated without this procedure. I have a five-six inch wound line in the lower side of my abdomen and how it came to be and what was done when my belly was cut open I will never know, I can only imagine, and thank God I did not have the opportunity to feel while it all happened. It is however a reminder for me of what suffering of physical pain must be like for those in the wake of conflicts and wars. After having spent three and half years of boning meat on a meat packing line at Green Bay and later in Milwaukee, Wisconsin I thought that i would have been immune to the sight of blood, not really. The slaughtering of cattle during the time Korban on the day of Aidil  Azhar or as the Malay calls it Hari Raya Haji still makes me feel squeamish, and witnessing the actual slaughtering itself upsets my stomach. However it also highlights my hypocrisy about enjoying a beef soup or 'sup tulang' every now and then... its highly doubtful that i can ever become a vegetarian. In the past few years ever since I took up making breakfast, lunch and dinner for my two adult kids and I, I have been trying to get them to eat more vegies like it or not. 

Faith and spirituality is a very personal journey that a man has to undertake and none can approve or disprove  as it is a matter between one and one's Lord and Creator. We are all trying to get to the same gate at the end of our days and how we get there or which gate we end up at is what life is all about; it's all about choices. Religions are the instructional manual to keep us on the right path which ever path we chose. It must be the age! I am poking out words and ideas like there is no tomorrow, like i am some Mystic from the Kailash Mountain in the Himalayas. I better quit while i still can find my way home. 

Let's listen to Pink Floyd before we take a break or nap, "Wish You Were here!"  

Roger Waters have gone far out on a limb for the plight of Palestine, I raise my cap to him. This is Art for humanity's sake, this is screaming out your vengeance and frustrations through the creative medium.    

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