Friday, June 28, 2024

What is Right or wrong, but a Sickness of your own Mind. - The Buddha.

Sundaram, or beauty, is not limited to physical appearance but extends to the inherent harmony, symmetry, and perfection present in all aspects of creation, from the intricate patterns of nature to the depths of human emotions and experiences."

"Success is not the key to Happiness, Happiness is the key to Success." sorry can't remember who or where I got this from but it rang true when I heard it or read it or both on YouTube and I ask myself, "Are you really and truly happy?" I have yet to have the right words to say it but I will let my journey speaks for itself when I am all said and done. By the testimony of this written Blog itself, I know i have earned the rights of passage to become who i choose to be, before God and Man. 

It is said that 'beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,' I am the Beholder of who I am.

Julian Assange was given his freedom back after years of living in exile and being hunted by the US Government. The devil is in the details and I will not dwell into it as anyone interested enough would read it online. The Collective Power of Human Consciousness focused on his life in sympathy to the cause has manifested Itself in the name of Freedom. Whether one is a believer or a free thinker, it does not matter as the Collective Human Consciousness works conscious and unconsciously through all those who are in sympathetic with the cause be it the Palestinian cause or the cause of restoring human pride and dignity. Julian Assange's freedom is a symbol of this Pride and Dignity, the Essence of what being a Human beyond shapes and forms is all about.

There is no right or wrong in this issue or any issue we face for that matter, it took me a very long time to digest this Buddhist concept and it went to add, Right and Wrong are a sickness of you mind! What is right or wrong are moments or episodes that happens and our conditioned mind make contact with it and gets attached to it creatin a narrative for it and so on, the process from right to wrong happens at every moment and every encounter whether we are aware of it or not. In the meantime, eat if you are hungry, sleep if you are sleepy, or sit and watch the grass grow! What else is there to do in this life other than trying hard to make it longer and harder than your neighbor's. Such Is! , We have all become victims to the three illnesses that our forefathers had endured form way back when; we suffer from Greed, Hate and Ignorance . These are the three fruits hanging from the tree of life and the antidote is the  Triple Jewels Wisdom of the Shakyamuni Buddha; Suffering, the Cause of Suffering and how to get out of it. He was a Great Teacher and His teachings are till this day a healing antidote to all that we as humanity is presently suffering from; we are a sick society and we live in denial or total blindness to what is beyond that which we see or think of who we are, this conditioned entity from the day he was born till the day he is buried. Accepting his role as an actor on the stage of life and performing his acts without thought or recognition and leaving behind no trails of fame or fortune, just dust in the wind. However even a speck of dust has its pride and dignity to become the most auspicious and melodramatic entity that ever floated in the air of this existence. 'To be or not to be,' how far or how near, have we come to catch a glimpse of that our true nature, that whish was before our parents came together. 'The original Buddha Nature, that Complete and Perfect Wisdom beyond Wisdom... is one of the Light source that can dispel our human tragedy that is unfolding right before our eyes and we are feeling helpless and petrified from having to do or say about it! This is the worse form of impotence a man has to endure if he be truly a man worthy of his salt.

                                           I stand alone with my shadow beside me/


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