Thursday, January 11, 2024

The first utterance in the Quran is Iqrar! Read!

 "You cannot get out of suffering until you get out of language language is rh the root of our suffering that's what produces all of the I thoughts and all the i thoughts produces unhappiness because the I can't get satisfaction and therefore the I is searching and never stops thinking, never stops wanting cause it never knows who it is. If you let go of that and then wisdom arises."

From Upadesa Saram, the fundamental teaching of Sri Ramana Maharshi as read by Shunyamurti.             A Satyoga Satsang. on You Tube. #satyoga,#shunyamurti,#upadesasaram

Accepting the above teaching to be a right view I admit that all these postings of my experiences of the past and present, my trials and tribulations my rights and wrongs being exposed in this manner of a Blogging is all counter to what is being taught by the Bhagavan Sri Ramana. It is said that those who have received Grace continuedly contemplate consciousness, which is ParamaShiva, within themselves becomes Jivamukhtas. I have accepted the fact that by keeping this on going journal of self discovery in order to achieve a complete Jivan Mukhti or self liberation while in this life is a paradoxical approach. However I am willing to continue this form of self catharsis so as to fulfill a vow of sharing knowledge and understanding for the sake of sentient beings, those who are on the same path towards liberation. I have tried my best to make it an interesting read so as to capture the attention and keep some form of motivation towards achieving this purpose. In this manner too i hope to fulfill the first of my Boddhisatva vows that, "Beings are numberless and I vow to awaken with them." Perhaps I am also fulfilling the second vow, that being, "Delusions are in-exhaustible, I vow to end them." Far be it, I am not a spiritual teacher, however i am a spiritual seeker for lack of better expression, I seek the truth and thus perhaps also a truth seeker. I am yet not completely free from the bonds of life nor am I free from this physical and mental realm of Karmic existence; I am just like you, groping in the dark as i go along. #jivanmukhti,#

It is ironic that in the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel God destroyed the tower that man had created out of his hubris if not arrogance to confront God by reaching Him through a monumental construction of a tower reaching up into the heavens. Man in his desire to prove his ability to master knowledge and wisdom and his ability to unite through one language of understanding had challenged the All Mighty but was cursed by God to be completely thrown asunder with the complete destruction of the tower along with their ability to communicate with one another in a common language. Albeit a truth or a myth, this Biblical story carried with it the understanding that with complete understanding also comes complete humility towards the source of that understanding. My interpretation may not be as accurate, however suffice to say that common language has a role to play in this story and through language man can have a strong collective understanding of the inner and outer workings of the human mind. 

Not to have any form of language means not being able to communicate with one another like back to the old cave dwelling era of human existence where allot of heads were bashed in from the failure to communicate. Sadly enough even today man is still bashing each other in the head for lack of understanding as language has become in most cases an offensive tool to bring the other down or put a man in his place. Language abuse is rampant today and if one needs an immediate example one just have to watch the Malaysian Parliamentary proceedings on You Tube or better yet try to follow the proceedings of the International Court of Justice at the Hague where Israel is being accused of Genocide by South Africa. Here is where language plays a pivotal role in mediating a serious issue facing humanity today - is the pen truly mightier than the sword? #thehague,#southafrica,#towerofbabel

"Speak a new language so that the world will be a new world." - Rumi. 

Healing begins through the language of Love and Compassion. - Bahari.   

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