Tuesday, January 09, 2024

I sat Among Gods and Deities, Great Souls and Rishis on Mount Kailash.

 Innallilahiwa'innalillahiRajiun from Him you came to Him you return, Ameen! To all those innocent who have died in Palestine and Israel alike and i bear witness to the long term of suffering that have been endured by all parties concerned, may Allah in His Infinite Mercy and Loving Kindness shelter and protect the children who have become victims of their fathers' and forefathers' errors; Allah is the Tester! At no time in history thus far has man been put through the grind of faith and that squeeze every ounce of believe and understanding from individuals as well as the collective spirit and no time in history thus far has man become more beastly if not demonic in his expression, May we all raise our hearts towards the Divine in us for Forgiveness and Compassion against this our most heinous transgressions against our fellow humans. Only the blind in heart and soul can deny what is being propagated in the spirit of hate and destruction all over the planet causing grief and sorrow to millions and sleepless nights for those whose heart reflects the chaos that man himself has instigated all in the name of Greed, Hate and Ignorance and all in the worship of the false Gods of war for economic advantages in the name of survival of the fittest. May Allah forgive me and may He forgive you in all this.

I woke up at 3am. and sat on my bed trying to heal my flu while watching my mind wandering like it always does here and there with every form of thoughts and imaginations and incessant chattering of right and wrong, good and bad, yadda, yadda! Then it all dropped at one point and i was sitting somewhere on Mount Kailash and among those present in the circle around me were Gods and Deities, Great Men of the ages, of Rishis and Saints of Buddhas and Boddhisatva's of the Great Spirit of the Great Plains and I felt their presence in and around me. Lord Shiva, Vishnu and Lord Krishna, Lord Shakyamuni Buddha, Jesus the Son of Mary and Muhammad {SAW}, I did not see them but I felt them, they were all around me with the great Rishis of India like Sri Ramana Maharshi and Sri Rama Krishna, Sri Nisargatdatta Maharaj and Papaji, Sri Neem Karoli Baba and a hosts of other enlightened beings from all the four corners of the world, I felt hem within and without. The small voice within whispered that these are all the sum total of all those whose wisdom and teachings I had at one time or another been exposed to in my journey to find out over the years. 

On Mount Kailash, the most mysterious and holy of mountains I felt the presence of great souls like Alan Watts and J.Krishnamurti, Mooji Baba and Ekhart Tolle and Shunyamurti and I felt the Prescence Einstein, Niels Bohr and Oppenheimer, of Shoppenhuuer and Hegel and of C.G.Jung. I was with The Sheikh, Kadir AlJilani and Ibni Arabi, Al Ghazali; how did I find myself among these great souls of the past and present? The answer came in the same whisper that these are my Gurus and Teachers I have sought through my quest for self discovery, this long and arduous journey of a lifetime knowing or unknowingly. These are the souls whose thoughts and wisdom I had accumulated through one form of adaptation or another and as I have once dreamed while sleeping in Central City Colorado; I claimed myself an Eclectic, picking and choosing the best of all possibilities for my 'Self Develo0pment.' I have discussed this event in my past posting in this Blog and so I will not dwell on it anymore. It is because my mind had take the trouble to dive into the minds of all these souls Gods and Man alike that i can be in their presence even if it was in the form of a meditative illusion projected by my own feverish mind, thinking that i was sitting on Mount Kailash among other Great Minds and Souls.  

This episode brought to mind of a dream or vision I had while sitting in meditation for the seven days sesshin at the Zen Center on Page Streeet sometime in the early eighties. I might have written this in the past however, my mind insist that I share it again as it is pertinent to the moment.

It was on the sixth or seventh day of the Sesshin, [7 Days meditation practice], and I was falling asleep at one point when I found myself laying on the grass beside my friend Ms.Karen DeCotis, we called Red haired Karen. The location was on the grounds facing the Museum of natural History in Golden Gate Park. I found that there were allot of famous people hanging out in front of the Museum some I even recognized, like Mahatma Gandhi and Albert Schweitzer, President John F. Kennedy was among them chatting. Karen told me that there was something special going on at the Museum and I should check it out and I did. I found myself by the main door and being led by two ushers left and right down the aisle full of people of both sides chanting and praying while facing the main altar. I was told before i I was led towards the altar that whatever i do I must not look up at what is on top of the altar. In Zen practice when we approach the altar we make three bows or prostrations towards whatever idol that was there before stepping back and leaving. I did this when I got to the huge altar that was lighted brightly from above like the sun was shining through from above and I began to do as was told. However after my second prostration the rebel in me decided, nah, I got to look up and see what is on the altar that I am bowing to! Lo and Behold I saw my own face staring back down at me! I found myself back in my body sitting on my butt facing the wall at 300 Page Street, in San Francisco, my body aching and my nose running and wishing that it was all over.


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