Thursday, November 16, 2023

I cry for Palestine and Israel.


The Middle East is flaming up again and this time much much worse than ever; the Israel - Gaza Conflict is the flash point that will set bigger events into motion and these are events that humanity has feared ever since we know what fear is all about. This will be the nightmare that most of us would rather kept buried within the vaults of our subconscious mind or locked up in our deepest sleep. For those who have the hearts to feel the pain that is being generated all around the world, the lost and despair states of those who are facing the holocaust of war and brutality in the State of Israel and Palestine, and in the Ukraine and the rest of the war torn nations, life can be brutally insane. What man is capable of doing to each other would is just beyond redemption. Despicable acts of horror and inhumane and insensitive acts committed by man towards his fellow man,{women and child}has today brought to surface of haw cruel we can be when we have lost sight of who we truly are and allow our ego to take reign over our conditions in life. I cannot and will not condemn any sides in these matters as i am in no position to do so, however I can express how i feel as a man whose life will be seriously affected if not already due to all the travails humanity is facing at the end of the day. Albeit physical, emotional or spiritual in nature I will feel the pain of suffering afflicted over my fellow man where ever and whatever the cause may be. I am not free from being a part of this tragedy that we are facing as a whole and i cannot hide under a blanket an pretend to take a nap every time  the question arises, what the hell is going on?

Today more than ever i am forced to find the truth as to who I truly am and how or what am I doing in this phenomenal world, what is my purpose, where do i fit in; eat sleep shit and die is all i am good for? Am i wasting my time making all these observations and searching for answers, at 74 and i am still sitting here making yet another entry into this lengthy Blog that has contained over 2600 entries over the years raising the same issues over and over again hoping for a break through of one form or another. What do I hope to find at the end of my day, what do I hope to gain if there is anything worth gaining in these days and age. Am I lost in justifications? Have lost my faith in my Lord? Have i gone so far astray that i have no way of finding my way back home? Home? I am a homeless soul lost in limbo when it comes to having a home, I know not what home is anymore. I have a roof over my head, yes, but that's all it is. My soul, my heart feels lost in an ocean of pain and sorrow that is drowning this planet i call home. The future is undeniably bleak for me and all that i love and care for, there is only death and destruction up ahead and i am ashamed to feel like I am not worth to be called a human being feeling helpless and in despair as i am at the present moment. In this dark hour of my soul I feel sad for all those who are sleeping along roadsides and tents, fearing for their lives and fearing for the lives of their children. Not knowing what or where their future holds, punished for crimes that they were never guilty of and becoming refugees fleeing from the Greed, Hate and Ignorance of their fellow man. 

In my heart i shed tears of sorrow and besiege my Lord for guidance in facing these moment of  sadness that my fellow man is experiencing in various parts of the world. Floods and volcanic eruptions, draught and cold happening more intense like never before compounding what is already a dire situation created by man himself, where will it all lead to, will there be a respite for this planet i call my home. Ya Allah, Dear Lord, Om Namo Shiva Ya, oh Maitreya, Great Boddhisatva of Compassion, I call upon the Holy of Holies for the Divine intervention to help ease the burden for those in the middle of the maelstrom of chaos and destruction. Forgive us our transgression and our weaknesses, our ignorance and our negligence,  our arrogance and our hubris. We are but fragile souls lost and floundering in the sea of sorrow we have created for ourselves, of the centuries of never learning of who or what we are in the scheme of existence itself.  I pray for the salvation of all those souls, man women and child that have been sacrificed in the name of justice, ideology and of revenge and most sadly, due to greed and ignorance.  



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