Friday, May 24, 2019

Why think so much.

Thoughts are like flies or worse mosquitoes buzzing around your ears and you end up slapping yourself silly with frustration and even anger. Not to worry thoughts are here to stay and very few, very very few can eliminate thoughts from their conscious minds completely. In the words of LaoTzy,"He who can stop their mind from thinking for three minutes can become the Emperor of China." Please do not quote me on this but I quote from memory that i came across such word sometime in the past. perhaps reading Alan Watts, or some such thinkers. In my quest over the years to come to an understanding of the workings of my mind, I have found that no man deals with the subject of thoughts more so than J.Krishnamurti as in just is all of his talks and writings he keeps the subject as the key note. I do not intend to reiterate his whole philosophy on the matter even if i claim to have a grasp on it somewhat; thought is a subject not easy to comprehend not even to the greatest of sages and savants, they were and are still like flies buzzing around their ears uninvited.

The subject of thoughts and the thinking mind however cannot be simply swept under the carpet of ignorance; it is thoughts that creates the Universe some wise men say or at least you own world. What you think is what you get and since there is so much thinking going on we get a whole mess of mass delusion and those able to think the loudes it seems leads the world towards its demise. When man was given 'free will' or the ability to think for himself and make choices on his own, it was a joke played on him an d it has come to be that it is indeed a deadly joke. Our collective human thoughts and ideas revolving around us in the atmosphere into the vast space of heaven itself, is turning into a psychic disaster like that of the plastic waste choking up the Port of Durban in South Africa. Our thoughts has both positive and negative vibes and the negative vibes are most toxic when expressed unchecked; there will be enough mind doctors to help figure this one out, to at least bring about a balance, not in my lifetime. What we have today i a runaway train of thoughts bearing loads of toxic vibes that shatter the very fabric of existence itself if left unchecked.

But who really pays attention to such bombastic claims anymore, like all these talks of self discovery, self empowerment, the power of thoughts and the Power of Now, consciousness and collective consciousness,yada, yada! Who has got the time of day? We are into 5G technology and high speed trains that can take one from Singapore to Beijing in a matter of hours if the Chinese have their way. We are into building higher and bigger while the land is sinking into the flood waters, we are busy chopping down forests and jungles to plant rows and rows of whatever crop that makes the most money in the market today, we are busy putting the animal kingdom to extinction one species after another with no qualms, we are busy setting new ways and means on how to eliminate our fellow human in the fastest and least complicated ways; we are a very busy specie out to annihilate itself. We have ultimately become a cancerous virus to the rest of the Universe and we live in the ultimate denial of it all; who has the time to dwell on subjects that does not make any sense anymore, like what is a thought?

While scientists and neurologists are relentless in trying to figure out what makes our brain tick, we are way ahead in getting ourselves blown to smithereens, why? Because the devil makes us do his job for him, or is it because of our bloody ignorance in not willing to make the effort o come to a right understanding of who or what we are what we are capable of. We have been put or so it seems into a survival mode with fear as our stimulus leading us towards becoming a zombie mob out to eat eachother's brains rather than use it to think, to figure out to understand. The ancient wise men has for ages been pointing out to us that it is all in the understanding of the workings of the mind that is crucial; what we think, how we think or when we think that really matters. Can the thinking mind be brought o silence? Can we achieve an absolutely quiet mind free from ant thought processes? Simply put, yes we can but we do not have to says ancient wisdom, because thoughts are an integral part of our genetic make up scientists are confirming; no thoughts means no existence, no matter, no time no space. It is the presence of thought that manifests our existing plane of existence.

So, what is thought, why think?  

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