Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Help! - Who do we call?

Who knows where God is at the present moment, but I know for sure that He, She or It, is somewhere out there, in here and everywhere that the human heart is moved to receive Him.  To deny the very existence of a power that is the prime mover of all that is and that will ever be is like denying humanity the very if not only thing that has kept mass insanity in check. It is also the greatest egotistical denial man can commit on account of his own ignorance and self aggrandizement. God does not have any need, much less the need for any recognition or denial from His pet creation, however man in all his infinite frailties and still groping in darkness for the answers to the mysteries of Creation, needs God. man needs to have his ego in check before he allows his drinking and smoking habits gets the better of him.When a child stands up and says "I believe in Miracles!" it is not not for nothing, it is not the product of evolution of the specie, it is a strong faith that there is a 'Force' beyond our comprehension at work in fulfilling our very dreams and visions when all else fails. When a goal is shot into the net or a home run is hit when it is most needed, the man who executed these shots would look up into the heavens with raised arms or when a contestant against all odds gets the Golden Buzzer on talent shows. we applaud with him/her, deep within our hearts, we are One; in pain and pleasure if we are in tune with the Universal Consciousness that unites us all.
Do not make the God issue a cancer case in our lives, love Him, hate him, but know that he is ever present and His infinite Love and Compassion is boundless if you only allow your hearts to receive His light that is already within all your hearts and let it shine to enlighten the Universe. What is in essence the the difference between us and the rest of Sentient beings. for one, it is that we are endowed with this divine light within, a light that comes from on high and will return to its rightful Source when the day is done. " Unto Thy hands i commend my Spirit,  O Lord." Christ's final words on the cross. The shape and form that the divine essence will be when it returns to the Source is indicative of how we have spent our allotted time on this Planet; heaven and hell is just a car wash. Had you been caring for your vehicle all your life you don't need the services in the hereafter, however if you still are figuring out what makes your vehicle run after all these years, you need a wake up call, a rude awakening and if these don't jar you head into what is, then Hell is not a fiction of your imagination. 
If it is true that your thoughts creates what is, then it is more than just wisdom to think or what you are thinking about God, the Universe and the whole mystery of what we call life and existence itself. You can always start to think of who the thinker really is if you have not already know who you are.
If our thoughts really creates our existence as it is at the very least we know why we are screwing up so bad where the environment and the state of humanity is; we as a species needs help, who do we call?


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