Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Buddha was no Atheist.

Where does the word 'God' originated from? Google it and you might find and interesting study being made just to discover the origin of this word, and if held against a mirror the image would read Dog. It is not my place or intention to belittle this word but it has always been an intrigue to me. Did Jesus ever use this word in his time? The word Allah i can accept simply because it is an Arabic word meaning simply 'The God', Not that it is better or worse or that it reflects the truth any better, it is not hard to accept - The God. Jesus in the movies called his Lord by the Jewish name Elohim if I am not mistaken and Rabi should know better. Jehovah as the Jewish faith refers to God in Hebrew is again acceptable as it means God too. Hence even in the name itself man has an issue to settle with about "God'.
Allah has ninety nine names in all and one is a secret or never uttered? These 99 names does not mean that there are 99 Gods or type of gods, it is His 99 different attributes  Like Ar Rahman the Merciful or Al Khalid or the Immortal or Eternal and so forth. These divine attributes are for man to emulate and put to practice as having been created in His image, man is to emulate these beautiful attributes of Allah. As Sabur or The Patient is often used as a 'mantra' to ward off anger and instill patience in times of being under pressure. Al Amin or 'The Trust Worthy is invoked when in dealing with money or property or trust. Again I find among Muslims that i have come in contact with, the reciting of the Names is more emphasized upon rather than putting them to practice in everyday life.
In Hinduism there are numerous names of Gods and Goddesses with just as many attributes each is endowed with and yet even in Hinduism there is only One Divine Reality or God Head in essence.
Ātman (/ˈɑːtmən/) is a Sanskrit word that means inner self or soul. ... In order to attain liberation (moksha), a human being must acquire self-knowledge (atmajnana), which is to realize that one's true self (Ātman) is identical with the transcendent self Brahman
In short, to look for God one must become free of all preconceived ideas and thoughts, of conditionings and so forth and become empty; one has to cease to be, one has to die. impeccable and If there is any one to blame for on this whole issue about God it is God Himself. For One so omni -this and omni -that, He sure did a lousy job in getting His story straight. From the Big bang to the crucifixion of Christ, from the Hare Krishna to the Quantum physics, God has got man running in circles like headless chickens trying to prove if the egg or the chicken came first. God is all His Infinite Glory has created man for His entertainment, only man has come to realize that it is not funny anymore. For the atheist at least God if he really exist has created a whole lot of worm holes in time and space where man is like a hamster or a rabbit that runs in and out trying to figure out why. 
There comes every once in a while someone like Gautama the Buddha and decided that he will not play this game for God's sake anymore as there is too much unnecessary suffering involved. The Buddha in His enlightenment broke the chain of illusion and set Himself free from the cycle of life death and rebirth. 
"I Am, No More!" 
No I, No God; not even the concept of I and God.
Ga-tay! Gate, Parasam- Gate, Bodhisvaha!

These core tenets of Buddhism are expressed in the teaching known as the Heart of the Great Wisdom Sutra.  
Although it is the shortest of all the sutras, containing only 632 characters in the traditional Chinese translation, it explains the essence of Buddhism, which is KU, or Emptiness.  The meaning is essentially that by letting go of your preconceived notions, opinions, and attachments, you can become open to all the wonders of our life.  
All things are empty. This is the realization of nothingness. But, emptiness or nothingness does not just mean nothing. It means not being attached to anything; especially your own perceptions and ideas so that you can see your life clearly.

And the Buddha never once in His lifetime declared Himself an atheist.        

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