She rules the kitchen and many a great meal has she cooked while I was a guest at the home of my nephew Mohammad Rafi Israel. Her days begins as soon as the day breaks and ends when everyone else is asleep. She is the epitome of a mother figure like all mothers throughout the world, running the family washing machine while making sure her children are well fed. While I was at the Organic Farm in Lintang I had the opportunity ti hang out with Major Zakaria's family and I saw the two children left their parents for school, I was part of their lives for over a month and over that month I witnessed true love between parents and their young ones; they are willing to sacrifice their lives see through another day. And the Cik Gu's family of eight children ahh... now there is a challenge in this day and age! But they were the happiest people I was with. |
His forehead is bruised from so much prostrations and carpet burns while doing his 'Solat;' His life is one long servitude towards Allah in performing his duties as a father, a baker and a man whose religious and political knowledge has kept him ever strong in mind. My nephew Rafi, to think that there was a time I used to carry him on my shoulders all over the village in Batu Buruk Kuala Terengganu. Being the eldest in the Clan is no small matter for among all my nephews and nieces he is the eldest and deserves the respect of the others even if his two feet are slowly being eaten away by gangrene, a problem he has endured for the past sixteen years of his adult life. Lam Wa EE Hospital in Penang could not cure it nor even took any interest to study it! I cry for him whenever i see him but I am also very proud oh him as a man, he is solid by my counts.. | |
He has inherited this vocation from his father since the day he could turn flower into bread. "Kedai Roti Israel" as the shop is known, Israel being his father's name, was at one time a sought after bakery until more and more bakeries sprouted all over the area with the latest technology making it a simple process to bake. |
The economy has hit hard upon this family in more than one way but they have stuck together in the effort to stay afloat like most struggling families in business, Late last night my nephew returned after collecting two ringgit worth of "Roti sekaya" or sweet sandwich which was to be sold at a coffee shop but not all was sold! The trip itself was not worth the effort to earn two ringgit. He did it just because it is a way of reminding himself to not give up or despair in business. " I put it there simply because ..",.he looked at me with a big grin on his face.
The name of the shop itself "Israel's Bakery" or Kedai Roti Israel, has at one time created an issue among the predominantly almost 100% Muslim community the name came on a TV program where an Ustad was making a point about the word Isreal to his audience. "Well in Terengganu there is a Roti Shop called >>>> |
My late brother in law left a heritage for his children and perhaps his grandchildren but the fact remains that it has held the family together in one common cause to survive into the future. The business has slowed down but the family spirit is still collectively strong. |
Irfan, left and Farouk, they will hopefully carry on their grandfather's tradition in the bakery business even if their lives is now hounded by the modern day conveniences and distractions. The lure of the fast lane and excitement hopefully will not make them abandon this family trade |
A family that works together stays together or so they say. Sometime in their later life these young ladies will look back with fond memories on how they grew up baking bread for their customers.
Fresh out of the oven, it is said that nothing smells sweeter than a freshly baked bread especially to a hungry stomach. The business of feeding the masses is an honorable venture whether one is a baker or a butcher, a fisherman or a rice farmer. It takes allot of pride in the food production line especially if it is a family handed down business. |
These youngsters may not see it today but it will come a time when on looking back they will appreciate the heritage they had inherited from their grandfather, the man they called Dada. |
I am blessed as always to be there and sharing the love and joys of my family where food is still prepared in te family kitchen and not bought from a takeaway restaurant. Where bread is freshly baked in the oven with a family recipe. |
Asma, what would she tell her children when she has her own family? |
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