Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What the Voice within has to say.

FOR HOW CAN YOU BE NOT ONE WITH THAT YOU WORSHIP? For so long as you think you are what you are, you immediately have a problem. The question, Who am I arises. This came to me while sitting along the beach in Marang, Kuala Terengganu.
What i would like my children to learn is to understand about who they are and thus have a firm understanding in their Faith. The road to the Lord is through  knowing who you are. As i take my steps towards my grave I have one foot in heaven and the other in hell; I am walking the Middle Path. I desire neither heaven nor hell but just to return to That which I belong,my home my refuge.As a professed Muslim, I call Him Allah., you have a name for Him too. It is only a Name, don't mistake the container for the content and the word is not that which is. Lest we worship names and forms. To see The Maker our look has to transcend names and forms, as these are veils we have cast over ourselves through  our own ignorance. As true believers we have tot ear through this veils and reveal to ourselves the light that is beyond doubt  who we truly are. 
The Lord comes all shapes, colors and sizes! He  is All as  All is Him.  The Lord Is, when you are no more. To arrive at None-Being, to cease to exist in Body Mind and Spirit, to arrive at the state Zero factor, Fana', Emptiness, call it what you may, is the only state of being one can be at one with his Lord; this is Total Submission of one's 'Will' to that of the Creator. The journey of this 'Life Discovery is a journey of a lifetime.
The Prophets and Messiahs
Man is here to Understand his Original Nature, that which was before our parents conceive us. The Prophets and Messiahs, the Walis and Saints, Buddhas and Avatars were the Enlightened beings who had transcended ignorance and saw the Light of enlightenment; it all leads to One. They have broken through the veils of ignorance to discover the truth of this impermanent and transient existence of ours. The Enlightened Ones, shed their shackles of ignorance to shed some light over ours and they too come many shapes colors and forms throughout the world's human history.



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