Thursday, August 07, 2014

What can I do? What can i say?

All over the world sparks of human discontentment and conflicts are manifesting like sores appearing on the surface of the body as though some infestation has taken over from within and is breaking out like hives.or urticaria. it seems like our immune system towards the inability to coexist in harmony is slowly braking down and we are running out of the means to treat this deficiency as no new forms of intercommunication can bring together or mend these conflict most of which have become terminal in nature. Has our capacity to solve problems through negotiations and conferences become so obsolete and lacking that we are no more capable of resolving our petty differences without resorting to violence? Are the plights of humanity for peaceful coexistence is just a delusion that we are bound to carry with us to our own extinction? Are mankind becoming so blindly stupid and ignorant that he is no more able to differentiate between what is leading him to his demise and what is living in peaceful coexistence?
These are worrisome questions I ask myself time and again and am getting tired of it myself as the answers are out there but there no too many who are looking for it. I feel like there is so few of the likes of me who pay too close attention towards what is going on on the global scale where human consciousness is leading us and if there are those who take the trouble to expand their self discoveries and share it in one form of another it seems like there not too many who gives a hoot and more who would look upon such personal expression as a waste of time and effort. We are becoming automatons marching towards our own peril a the drumbeat of some unknown power that has for ever been trying to dislodge humanity from its harmonious track of existence. By hook or by crook these dark elements, call them what you will, by your own terms according to your own religious perceptions and understanding, but rest assured they are there and theirs is to destroy the essence that is of being 'Human.' Of abiding by the code of religious and spiritual conduct that attest to the fact that we are humans, intelligent and compassionate towards others by all means and at all times. Remove this intelligence and compassion, wisdom and understanding, remove our capacity to love and be loved we are nothing more than just animals and the worse kind at that; only man has proven that they can kill the young and innocent for his own cause or his ideology.
There is no mountain high enough for me to cry from its peak for man to wake up from his sleep of doom, from his apathy and lack of concern for what is going on to himself a a collective spirit. That he is being torn apart from all directions and in all forms possible such that he betrays his loved ones and murder those who loves him all in the name of Greed, Hate and Ignorance.How much more does one need to yell and scream out to awaken those who are sleep walking towards their self prophesied Armageddon while becoming a victim to those whose intention are in the fulfillment of these prophecies.We are sitting at the edge of a third world war waiting to happen and we are living in denial like never before. Most of us are lulled to sleep by the myriads of opiates of modern technology and synthetic drugs that dulls our senses into conforming to whatever it is the dark side has in its hidden agenda towards the demolishing of the House of the Lord on earth.
Religious conflicts has taken the worse of turns as more and more countries are tearing up at the seams pitching one religion against another, one sectarian belief against another, brothers against brothers all on the difference of ideologies and beliefs alone. But these are all age old perceptions and arguments that has been around since the beginning of man's understanding of himself. Nothing i can add that would really make any difference anymore, but it is the nature of my mind that it will not cease to harbor thoughts about these disturbing matters that is happening around me, whether on the local or global scale. To have a glimpse of how disturbing it is becoming all one has to do is read all the posts on Face Book or view what is on You Tube in relation to anything and everything and one can come to a good understanding of how far or how near we are from self destruction through Greed, Hate and Ignorance.
All I can say for myself is that i hate to be a victim or some mad bugger's idea of world domination through exploiting my own individual ignorance of what is going on and why; to to simply become food and fodder for some unseen hands manipulating the world affairs to suit their own interest.I at least owe it to my children to keep myself from being led astray through propaganda and misinformation, I owe it to my loved ones families and friends if not to my readers to know the truth or keep looking for it even if it is hidden deep in the heap of human crap that is being downloaded all over the planet. If nothing else I will be one more angry man left screaming on top of the mountain to '"Let my People GO!!.    

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