Friday, February 02, 2024

"THe lazy Man's Club" - Join me i dare you.

 I will throw the bones and see what turns up. Not too much it says in the lay of the bones and I have just completed[almost] my early morning tasks and now taking five listening to the Seventies Oldies on You Tube and a the moment John Denver is calling out to "Sunshine on my shoulder, makes me happy Sunshine in my eyes they make me cry, ..almost always makes me high!.. , almost always ..." " Every time i try to tell you the words came out wrong, So I just have to say I love you in a song..." ...I wonder what ever happened to Jim Croce, how old he might be? Ah just Google it if is that important...what else is there to do...if you are still following me then you are as complicit in the creation of the The Lazy Man's Club. Yes mu next venture is to start my own club out there and see if there are takers to join me in the quest in the Art of being Lazy! Yes, I believe that this is a good idea especially seeing that i am at a lost as to how to spend the rest of the morning as it is. Perhaps having a club of my own online or off might create a much more interactive and active atmosphere for the continuation of my Blogging perhaps I need to  interact more and better with those alike like me in striving to understand life and what it would be like to simply surrender to being pure and simple laziness. A state of being non-interactive and less prone to overwork, a state of taking it easy and not be sucked into the rat race of so called the highway to heaven of life. It is done! 

I suppose the next move for me is to try and write a proposal convincing myself of the feasibility of my intention , the why and how of the Lazy Man's Club. Any philosophical back ground, any physical and mental gymnastics, any sitting and facing the wall daily and asking silly questions to one self while trying to stop the mind from thinking, and then some...what would it take to say Screw it! I am tired of taking all these, I am done, time to move on , time to let go and face what is before me in the here and now and I find the Art of Being Lazy fits this purpose, just simply do nothing, No reason to move from here to there if you don't want to or simply don't feel like it. No ifs and ands, no buts and what ifs, no Sir, its only this the freedom to simply remain in the zone of laziness, immortalized as the Buddha of Laziness! Yes, awakened from the illusory realm of making things happen, the realm of mental projections, the realm the Buddhist call The Nirmanakaya of Shakyamuni Buddha; awakened completely and perfect endowed with the powers of being lazy, laid back and unmoved or attached to what is in the background, existing like a cork floating down the stream towards the river and the ocean, appearing and disappearing like the white clouds in an empty sky, there is no more an entity, no more a shadow or any other form, no more an ego making decisions or analyzing what is, no, only Laziness is present.

So! I call out to all of you who have had it enough with this Cockamamie world and this Ronald McDonald Menu we thrive on, I call to all of you come join my "Lazy Man's Club," I dare you. 

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