Saturday, June 05, 2021

"I said that it would be so and it be so!

 " You did not come here to be the vibrational version.

You came here to be the manifested versions.

You came to enjoy your life, You came to feel the progress,.

"To be the Realizer, The Liver, The Seer, The Hearer, The Smeller, The Toucher..."

Abraham Hicks - The Laws of Attraction.

I stumbled upon the video, GET READY, Things will Happen as Soon as Today.upon waking up from my nap which as usual followed by a short sitting meditation before stepping off my bed. I was not feeling positive and as a matter of fact was regressing into a sense of despair and giving up. Feeling that I am not getting anywhere with myself in my practice and so forth. In short I was in a "Fuck it!" and " The hell with it. It ain't happening and I am just kidding myself." Then I sat at the computer and browsed You Tube and saw what looked like an interesting video with David Icke entitled, "It's Beginning t Happen Everywhere." My mind told me that I have not seen too many David Icke videos lately and this looked a good place to start. The video with david was ok but the following above video with Abraham Hicks caught my attention and I played it over three times. Talk about being in the same vibration frequency, the message carried through like an echo from the distant past when I read the same message somewhere forgotten and now it has resurfaced at this moment in time to pick me back up and perhaps deliver me from this sense of hopelessness and despair.

No I do not have to make up stories not anymore, it happens and when it does I try to share it as it is. The Laws of Attraction, The Laws of Abundance and the rest of it is not something new to me as I have been exposed in the past to these principles from one source or another. The Laws of Attraction perhaps has come into manifestation for meat this moment as a reminder of what it is that I am on the journey to find out and perhaps a reminder not to give up before its frution for i have come a very long way in my adult life having gone through numerous varieties of experiences positive and negative; I just needed the little push or lift from yet another dimension of my subconscious; a forgotten principle still at work within me. Yes, I strongly believe in the fact that whatever the mind has conceived in the past to be true it will manifest itself into the future when the time is ripe and there is a need for it to be made apparent. 

"Believes are just thoughts you keep thinking,. They don't have any basis in reality other than that you are creating reality from the believes that you hold..."

Perhaps my being impatient is the cause of my regression into giving up my practice or perhaps my expectation of something to happen out of the ordinary to deliver me from this mundane routine of the COVID pandemic existence of in-house arrest. However i did feel the uselessness and the sense of hopelessness the past few days and then again perhaps it has to do with my decision to give up cigarette smoking, well at least for now. I mention this only to remind myself that sometimes things happen for obvious reasons that we tend to overlook like giving up smoking can lead  to depression. The is a part of the equation that i just now realized as to why i felt a sense of regression and despair hitting me. A major aspect of meditation practice is enhance awareness of one's daily routine and habits, like everything is blown out larger than it really is. Episodes and events, simple matters and ordinary stuff becomes more exaggerated made to seem more relevant that they really are. Another aspect of meditative practice that is often overlooked is the fact that negative events and phenomena holds a more dominant grip upon the consciousness than positive ones.

I realize too that one of my problems having these regressions is the fact that i easily forget who I am. I often woke up with aches and pains perhaps synonymous with old age and this immediately transform into a negative mental condition. Hence why i like to sit in meditation for a while before i make my move off the bed. This shoet period of sitting would help to unwind the night's tangles from my consciousness. By proper breathing and which leads to the realignment of the physical body I would often dispel most of the nagging aches and pains in my joints and especially in the center of my chest. I would usually continue with some stretching movements after i have felt the settling down f my entire body and this helps to renew and rejuvenate myself loosening up most of my knotted muscles the result of sleep. All in all the key to waking up with a positive state of mind is to focus on one's breathing which will release most of the tied up, knotted and tangled muscles in the entire body thus allowing for a free uninterrupted flow of the energy or Chi throughout the body.    

" I said that would be so, and it be so." 

"Kun faya Kun."

#abrahamhicks, #lawsofattraction.

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