Friday, June 25, 2021

Rambling on...

"Sometimes Faith will make you look stupid until it starts to rain!" This morning I received two messages one from my young brother Jerry Sule, the Plunbmer of Green Bay, Wisconsin and the other was from an elder brother who was once the Scout Troop Captain of my secondary school which was the Sultan Sulaiman Secondary, School in Kuala Terengganu. He was and still is a Malay and Malaysian Icon singer from his school days where together with a few friends they formed the first Rock Group in the State and his name is Adnan Othman and chances are if you ask any Malay old timers and new ones alike, who this guy is, they would tell you. Adnan likes to send me 'Doa's or Muslim prayers and this morning for the first time it occurred to me to really pray word for words as it was sent and feel it in my heart and this is how I should send my prayers, where all is covered as should be covered. Yes, Sometimes Faith will make you look stupid until it starts to rain...I do not know who quoted this but it posted on facebook first time look at it this morning. With a little bit of faith you might still be able to move that mountain the stands before you.

Jerry Sule was about sixteen or seventeen when I first hung out at his home down in the basement along with two other brothers John and Joe, their parents and sister lives upstairs. Their dad was a computer salesman selling for IBM and this was in the 70s-early 80s in Green Bay, Wisconsin; the Packers Country. The City of Green Bay are the proud owners of their own ball team and Vincent Lombardi and Bart Starr were the icons that were a part of everyone''s consciousness when football times comes around. Jerry Sule when he was about seventeen took a trip with me driving an old Chevy Impala from Green Bay, all the way south to the Southern tip of New Mexico. It was in winter and we left Green Bay with a trunk full f canned food and a two man tent and the idea was to drive all the way south to New Mexico and   into the Arizona and then cut back into Colorado and back to Green Bay, Wisconsin. And now Jerry in his early fifties with a few grand children. We keep in touch over the years through the Messenger and Face Book and chat over who has done what and where in the politics of the US. Jerry is very into politics and sometime it is hard to keep up with his thoughts and ideas. The recent events following the Presidential Election was a nightmare; Jerry is a diehard Republican and worships Donald Trump and Joey his elder brother is a staunch Democrat; I have to keep myself from getting stuck in the middle when there's chats going on between the brothers.

To wake up one morning and entertain two messages from two different characters in you life from two diverse location of east and west and to react to their postings spontaneously takes some mental juggling. It is if you care to indulge yourself in your relationship to others especially those closest to you, then you have the morning cut out for you. You just logged yourself into your computer and telling your stories while posting this Blog. This is how the mind functions when it has found its routine or habit that is most comfortable and safe it wants to indulge. As happens so often surely but slowly it will start to fall asleep while making this happen. The mind gets tired too, just like me, the mind has its limitations and can be brought to be still in silence through dedicate practice and mastery over the mental issues. Stories are told in order for the mind to keep on rambling and  the effort is to keep the ramble with a positive and creative vibe and output that hopefully will be of benefit to those who share in reading this. As for the writer himself it is a matter of justifying my existence in this realm of the Nirmanakaya of Shakyamuni Buddha, the Historical Buddha,; it is yet another Brick in the Wall...which this too shall pass. #greenay #wisconsin #packerscountry #newmexico #arizona


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