Monday, June 21, 2021

Will Malaysia survive COVID19-21?

 As the COVID days drift along and as life gets flipped upside down like turning the earth in your garden for a new growth, I keep a wary look upon how things are faring for those who are trying to stay afloat, to stay alive and not give way to despair; I wish there's things within my power to make a difference for you my loved ones. But miracles are as rare as the rising of the sun in the west or the cats growing horns and God is taking a vacation r so it seems. More and more prayers and words of wisdom are being posted on Face Book to keep the despondent anchored to their sanity and not lose their hopes. Words, mostly empty words plagiarized from ancient texts and long dead philosophers and saints being rehashed to awakened a dying spirit, perhaps it does work on some, but as a whole humanity is becoming disenchanted and the only thing that is keeping the spirits high is the Euro-2021 soccer matches. There aught to be a Soccer God that we can all worship during times like these and yes there already are deities like Cristiano Ronaldo, Mo Salah, the "Egyptian King,' of the Liverpool Team, and a few others. When Ronaldo removed the can of Coke soda from his press conference table it cost the soda company Billions in loss of revenue, now that is what demigods do.

No matter how we look at it, it is not a good prospect for those whose livelihood is self sustained. The small grocery shops, the roadside coffe shops the food stalls and the rest of such similar self operated small businesses are disappearing one by one at least here in my hometown and many of these owners are my friends. Where will it all lead to, it is anybody's guess and rest assured it will not be a positive end. What is happening all over the country is a sense of uncertainty, of no proper understanding or cohesion from which the general public can abide by. The fault sad to say lies in the political state of that the government of today is experiencing. There is practically no sense of leadership in the government and decisions are being made haphazardly without proper deliberation as in the parliament where pros and cons are being debated before a decision is being made. The King has declared a state of emergency for the nation as advice by the prime minister and this thus far has solve nothing if not exacerbates the condition even further. Marshal laws means the parliamentary system is being put on hold and this means there is no check and balances over the decisions being made and the laws being passed, the people are at the mercy of the powers that be. Much can be said on this matter, however suffice to say that saying the wrong things about the state we are in today can land one into unwanted predicament.

The pandemic itself to me is less of a problem than the manner in which the nation is being led to face it and perhaps this is a common factor in most developing countries where the political system s as fragile and and incompetent as ours is. In the meantime the peoples' suffering grows day to day as they run out of their hard earned resources and their future is bleak. No doubt we are all facing a common enemy and there is no sides that can be blamed as the virus knows no caste, color or creed and anyone and everyone is potentially susceptible to be sick. Most, if not all of the population are aware and are taking all the precautions needed to avoid being infected, however the lack of proper leadership and commitment by the authorities and agencies in carrying out mass emergency responses especially in the health and environmental issues throughout the county is much to be desired. The vaccine program that is being instituted is lacks any sense as it is not properly thought out on who is to receive it. I believe the younger and working generation should be given the priority to et vaccinated than the elderly for instance as common sense would dictate that these people are more mobile and come into contact with more people in their daily routine than the elderly. The older people should be made to stay home and avoid unnecessary travel instead of being given priority to receive vaccination over the younger generation.

In this country as in  most like it, the elder of the society cling on to their status at work and most out of fear of loosing their steady income and worry over their uncertain pension funds being available when they retire, are depriving the young of their job as well as experience opportunity. As such most decision made are catered towards self preservation of the older generation while the younger generation will have to wait their turn which might never come in time and most are forced to take on jobs that they were not qualified or trained to do while in colleges and universities. Most end up flipping burgers on the roadside or selling bundle cloths to stay afloat. The young are being marginalized due to the lack of opportunity to take on what they were educated and trained to do whic is reflective of those who occupy the seats in the government or the parliament. If you watch he parliament in session you will notice that ther is hardly a young face among the so called law makers and as such most thoughts and ideas remain archaic and bias towards keeping the status quo of those past their retirement age. Perhaps this is why the vaccination priority caters towards getting the elderly done first. 



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