Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Who are We? - Why Bother?

Sri Ramana Maharshi, the great Sage of India, said that the teachings of the Bible is contained in two statements, "I Am That I Am, and Be still and know that I Am God."

"Atma Vichara - Self inquiry - Dyana, Meditation consist in the fervent contemplation of the Self as Sat Chit Ananda, Being, Consciousness, Bliss."

The Great Minds of India has through their own personal self sacrifices have imparted to us knowledge and wisdom of the ancient from thousands of years ago and thanks to the Internet and such in our modern day and age we who seek the truth to whatever is able to share these knowledge in order to transcend our own personal ignorance. For the true seeker, the one who holds the burning charcoal in the palm of his hands till it becomes ashes before if ever giving up in looking for the truth, answers to questions and ways and means to allay doubts from the mind, these knowledge handed down from generation to generation has become the elixir of spiritual life. For the awakened ones, those who have attained some form of realization that there is much more to life than simply existence, the  understanding of these knowledge leads to the liberation of the spirit from the bondage of the mind created illusory world. In this day and age of beginning of the end of days, the Dharma ending age, the age of dissolution and destruction, it is imperative that the true seekers of the truth in whatever manner or form it may be, make the fervent effort towards untangling or unraveling the entanglement of ignorance that has kept the mind in control of one's fate if not destiny as a human being.

We as human are being place here on this planet merely as passive observers but given a vital role to play in the course of our destiny and to protect and preserve what we inherit from those that have left us to become custodians of this Planet we call our home. To do this we have to come to a thorough understanding of who or what we are capable of as humans. We have to look way beyond our mental and physical perceptions, our needs and desires, our sense of merely to survive this that we call life. We have to accept the fact that we are Creators and not merely curators or spectators, we make it happen, we design it to become perfection and not destruction. We have to transcend our identities as merely entities that has evolved to become just another specie among other sentient beings occupying time and space on this Planet like parasites the eats off its host in order that its specie alone will survive while killing off the rest of other species. To awaken to this realization is our primary goal in life, that we are who we are because we have been endowed with the body, mind and spirit and the Grace of the Universal Soul that governs all, call it by whatever Name you may. 

We are the still a part of the first creature that had crawled out of the waters of stillness, of Creation itself and evolved over the millions of years to become who we today are, at least on this physical plane if not spiritual. Sadly enough we have become enamored by our ignorance and evolved to become the predatory creatures bound and determined to bring an end to ourselves if not the very Planet itself. Somewhere along the line of our genetic evolution we have accumulated a sense of an exclusive identity we understand as who we are and we call it the ego. Along with the evolution of this  perception of a discriminating personality we are affected by the three illnesses that is   the cause of our present day miseries; Greed, Hate and Ignorance. I, Me and Mine, is how we identify ourselves as we struggle for our own self survival and we accept it as living life. We build walls and fences, we go to wars and domination over others, we collect and accumulate much more than what we need for this survival. We build edifices that reaches the skies to claim our sense of superiority over others and create massive temples of worship to claim that our faith and religion is above others, that our God or Gods is the One true God and yet these temples are often empty of devotees except on Fridays and Sundays in most cases. We are willing to kill and die for our faith, our systems and doctrines and worse of all we kill simply because
we enjoy it as it has become a part of our genetic code.

The tranquil waters that our first ancestor had crawled out of is today a quagmire of filth and garbage of our own making, we have become blinded by insatiable needs and desires that we lay waste behind us polluting even the oceans that life itself depends on. In short we are defecating over the very table we sit to eat. This is the realization that has prompted many among us to take a closer look at who or what we are and to take measures towards a healing process that can and will turn our fate as humans around for our sake if not the rest of Planet and its inhabitants; who are we? The wisdom of the ancient has foreseen where we are headed towards and has laid down the course for us to pursue, but we have deviated from this course and claim ourselves as an enlightened civilization, the perfect man created in the image of the Creator Himself. Will we ever learn? Can we ever transcend our ego and see ourselves in the Collective Spirit of the Universal Consciousness.


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