Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Choose your mask well!

After taking short break from putting my thoughts down I have decided to let my mind wander a bit an see what gives. Nope i have no idea what to actually write about and it doe not really matter as i miss letting my mind and fingers enjoy playing the key board on the lap top. I have a white kitten sleeping in my lap snugged in the folds of my sarong and so I cannot move freely even as my lower back is begging to be released from the tension on my present position. So I will try to be as productive as i could while she sleeps in my lap.
I am a man of a thousand faces someone once said f me and i agree, even as i understand what he meant was  more of my moods and character that changes every moment in time. I  wear so much roles and and habits in my life that i have lost touch with who I truly am.

Hence there came a time earlier in my life when i decided to do a little research as to who or what I truly am while existing on this plane of my corporeal existence. 
I decided that I have to shed my veils and unmask myself, like the peeling of the onion layer by layer until I reach the center or last peel.

The masks is just one aspect of my personality, one form or image of who I am and itself comes in myriads of form, sorrow, anger, happy, jubilation. dejected, and a host of other psycho emotional traits that a single face can wear..
It comes in all shapes and colors, of beauty and ugliness,  of  of Love and hate, the masks reflects my inner being, projecting my mental formations into the external world.

The masks i wore and still do are like a protective visor that riot police uses to keep from being splashed with an acid bath or the Ray Ban sunglasses that Highway Patrol police officers wear to keep their victims from detecting their emotions and intentions , like what lies behind those dark shades!  

Wearing Masks is an art that takes some practice to become the character that you have assumed and it may not always be the good character.

Choose your mask well !

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