Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Pilgrim of life.

Earthquake hit Canada soon after the legalization of marijuana use in the country; ha! ha! that's what the religious minds would have it, the Gods are not happy. Joke aside, I hope not too much damage or lost of lives expected. Not like the one the hit the island of Palu Indonesia a week or two back where thousands lost their lives and homes. Italy suffered from a flooding, while back here in Penang we had a landslide incident which claimed  at least three lives so far with a handful missing. Mother nature is not too happy of late and it is understandably so witnessing all the challenges man has been throwing at her. If man were to go extinct I believe almost all other creatures would survive an live happily ever after. Maybe so, but there is hope yet for us as we see all over the world there are those who have awakened from  this nightmare that we have called life and see life for what it is. People are waking up to the changes that are needed to be made in order to elevate our human conditions from the base ignorance that we have come to accept through conditioning and the powers that be, seeking to dominate and exploit humanity for their own egotistical needs; collectively although small in numbers, they are powerful in resources.

In just about every country today these power mongers holds sway to the fate of humanity, they are like the the virus that eats out its host from within and moves on to the next and the next host through corruption and false flags. The ordinary man has become a pawn in the game of life, he is at the mercy of those that holds sway the power over him knowing or unknowingly. The conditioning of our mental formations has arrive at the most critical stage that we believe absolutely what we see or touch, hear or smell without doubt. we are being led by the nose to accept and obey laws that are meant to govern us but in actuality are meant to control; we are prisoners of our own ignorance of our own inherent nature. We are blinded from seeing the reality that is hidden behind all the shades of illusions that is being manifested to delude us. I may seem like headed towards a conspiracy theory type of reasoning, like the few leading the masses and so forth, I am not. I am talking about the lifelong conditioning that we go through from the home to the educational system, the working conditions, the cultural and the rest of it. We are a product of the conditioning since the day we were born and probably the day we die unless we are awakened from it with a self realization that  we are more than who we think ourselves to be.

It's a pilgrimage this life of ours, a journey towards being fully awakened and liberated from this yoke that has been hung around our necks. It is a pilgrimage that liberates us from being a victim to becoming a victor, from a slave to a master. We are masters of our own thoughts and consciousness, our environment and circumstances, master our own destiny and until we realize this and act on it we will our entire life be an object not the subject. This pilgrimage is dotted with pitfalls and we have to lift ourselves time and again and proceed with greater determination everytime we fall. The more you fall the more you learn to raise yourself back up and the effort of rebound every time you fall becomes your lessons not to fall. 

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