Tuesday, October 30, 2018

God is Out there somewhere! Is he?

Man was created in the image of the Divine and in this most all  theistic religions concur and in Vedantic Hinduism it is even taken a step further to the declaration man is God incarnated in physical form or the Ultimate Being in Consciousness itself. This is who we are, our true nature our Birth Right, but most of man fails to see beyond his physical and mental formations and declares himself as and entity existing in form, time and space; we become who we think we are. Our thoughts and perceptions are the instruments of our Mayavic or delusional understanding of our state of being, we become enamoured by our upbringing and conditioning and through our erroneous thoughts and perceptions we manifest ourselves as 'human beings', subjected to the laws of cause and effect; the laws of karma. We have forfeited our divine nature for the impermanence and the ephemeral and transitory, we have hidden ourselves behind the veil of ignorance from seeing our true and inherent nature; our Divinity.

Through the ignorance of our inherent nature we have created the 'I', the me and the mine nature and thus causes us to become subjected to suffering in this life. In the effort to overcome this self manifested suffering we have created Gods and Deities, believe systems and religions in order to make sense out of all that we are confronted with throughout our life on this plane of existence. We create angels and demons in order to assist us and something to blame on our errors. We live ourselves in bondage at the mercy of the unknown stuck with crutches to help us stand and blinders to narrow our visions of the whole before us; we are afraid to see the larger picture of our own destiny like at the stars through a telescope. With the conception of the 'I', we have become removed from the whole state of beingness and we see the world with a dual thinking mind, the world out there and the world within. Within and without, light and dark, great and small, pain and pleasure, our lives is subjected to striving to make the right choices between opposites. This primarily the cause of our suffering, we are an entity that is subjected the laws of our own creation and not being aware that we are.

All over the world we build churches, temples and mosques calling them the House of God to satisfy our religious needs and to please our Maker and yet we commit heinous crimes against our fellow man in His name. Man women and children becomes victims to our insatiable appetites in demanding more and craving for power and dominion over others. Our God is nailed to the cross, has his abode in the Holy Lands, we perceive Him out there somewhere watching over us and making judgements over the choices we make in order that we may be judged at the end of the day and yet we lie our lives by all standards worse than the animals; we worship a new God, the God of Materialism. The teachings and wisdom of the great minds of our ancestors has lost our interest, we are in the pursuit of happiness in acquisition of fame and fortune at the expense of our fellow beings. The 'I' has become more than God in essence; I am number One, I take care of myself first. Our churches, mosques and temples are mostly empty except on special days and we have our brothers and sisters sleeping on the street for lack of a place to call homes. Our Gods out there is still watching over us to see how much more can we exist with our ignorance until we destroy ourselves remaining oblivious that we are taking our divinity to our graves with us.

I am writing as I always have done to remind myself of who I truly am for whatever good it may do, but I feel deep in me that the'Temple of the Living God is in me, not out there. With the faith in materialism man is creating his hell on earth, he has lost his divine birth right through worshipping what his mind has led him to believe. Man is living is a dream state that will end up in a nightmare that he will find hard to wake himself up from unless he wakes up to the reality and claim his inherent right as a divine entity of Love and Compassion; man is headed for a rude awakening.    

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