Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Mojud- Listening to Your Inner Being - Paul Lowe.

I stumbled onto Paul Lowe's You Tube talks by chance after listening to the debate between Depak Chopra and Richard Dawkins about the 'Fate of Faith" held somewhere in Latin American country The debate was quite interesting and informative with Chopra in his laid back manner explaining the relationship between science, consciousness and spirituality, while Dawkins making his point about the theory of evolution and how everything else is just random or something like that as i lost pretty much of the argument from being more interested in the manner in which the debate was carried out and how the two panelist reacted to one another or who was the better speaker.
Immediately after the debate i spotted  face in one of the boxes and out of curiosity to the title of the video, " Mojud -Listening to Your Inner being, I decided to give it a go. It was a pleasant surprise to find this middle aged gentleman sitting in what seems to be like a retreat in the woods somewhere and relating a Sufi story about a guy named Mojud and how he came to be so wise. The story was in answer to the question  who his teacher was that had taught him to be so wise. I am not going to relate the whole story here but if you have any interest enough in it all you have to do is check it out on You Tube under the same title or the name of the speaker, Paul Lowe. Perhaps I am wasting my time all these hours of listening to various talks and debates over subjects such as the 'Conspiracy Theories and the Rise of the Islamic State, 'The end of the World and Christianity accusing Islam vice verse over whose is the right religion, or J. Krishnamurti Moaning and groaning over the fate of humanity whole wiping his mouth from his dribbles. Something inside me says that I have more than enough time to spare if it helps me to understand better all that I need to learn in life.
I remember a long time ago when I started my You Tube 'classes' or lectures that began with listenignt olectures by the like of Alan Watts, J. Krishnamurti, the Dalai Lama, Ram Dass and the likes until today I have found many more characters worth listening to like Mooji, Deepak Chopra and Shaikh Hamzah Yusof. Some i understood much from and some i simply let it soak into my mind or subconsciousness without trying make head or tail about what was being said. Another form of experiment i do with my mind to see if it makes any sense, listening but not listening especially if the subject covers too muc scientific jargons and or heavy words.I do this with some of Krinamurti's talks too as he sometimes becomes a drag by repetition. However what is interesting i found is that all these You Tube talks and lectures seems to hve  kind of connection s to my own 'Way seeking intention', like they come one after another like they were meant to be, like sometimes they were answering questions I had in my mind about things I heard discussed in previous videos. It is like having your eyes closed and opening a page in your favorite book to find an answer to a related question you have in mind, in essence allowing for the subconscious to do the work for you. What pleasant surprise you find sometimes answers that bring tears to your eyes and you know this was only for you as sharing the experience with anyone else would shatter the mystique.
There are teachers today for you if you ever need one or are in very much need of one when you are walking the spiritual path. Having faith in the universe to provide you with one in your times of dire need is crucial for you faith carries a whole lot of energy to be sent out into the universe to go knocking on the doors of knowledge where great minds dwell, those that have sworn to guide seekers towards their salvation. These are known as Bodhisatvas in Buddhism and Wali uAllah, in Islam and sometimes as Avatars in Hinduism and then there are the Immortals in the Chinese Taoist Traditions, and they are ever ready to attend to the cll for help from the most faithful of seekers. Trust in yourself being able to reach out and they are there. Off course you can always join an Ashram or a Prasentran or a Madrasah or a Zen Buddhist Temple where you can find live teachers to confide your needs. The question is always are you keen genuine enough or humble and relentless enough to deserve their help
It has been in my later life today that i have yet to find anyone worthy to teach me or be accepted as my spiritual teacher. I stopped looking for any but I still am not quite there as yet as to turn down any that appears before me of i stumble upon one along what is left of my spiritual path. Hence I have to rely on my own accumulated knowledge and insights and with the help of the You Tube.that is a boon of excess to knowledge as any one can find in this days and age. The question is still, do you genuinely seek for the answers, are you deeply engaged in discovering who you truly are or does the Truth really matters to you. If you are half past six in your quest for truth then chances are you would most probably enjoy the Japanese or Korean Sex movies better on You Tube if you are into such subjects.Why waste your time on matters that are too deep and often boring, hard to understand and often makes little sense such as talks given by Dalai Lama on The Kala Chakra tantra and what its significance is to the modern world? Or a lecture on the 'Bardo Todol' and how it is different from the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
Ask the question and listen for the answers from deep within yourself for the truth lies within even if sometimes you hear it coming from without like through you books or the Videos or the talks you has with someone who happens to be around when you asked the question and was prepared with the right answers sometimes even he did not know that he was answering your hidden motive. Trust in that which you are, the I AM THAT, I AM.and the answers will come for the Universe is ever listening and the Lord if you wish is ia always listening more than you know.
Note, in Lowe's narrative Mojud was approached by a spiritual being named Khidr who guided him to follow  a path for his lessons in life, who was Khidr?
Khidr or al-Khidr (Arabicالخضر‎ al-Khiḍr; also transcribed as Khidr, Khizr, Khyzer, Qeezr, Qhezr, Qhizyer, Qhezar, Khizar, Xızır, Hızır) is a mystical figure that some believe to be described in the Quran as a righteous servant of God possessing great wisdom or mystic knowledge. In various Islamic and non-Islamic traditions, Khidr is described as a messenger, prophet, wali or in some cases as a deity who takes the worldly place of an otherwise passive God. The figure of al-Khidr has been syncretized over time with various other figures including Vishnu in India, Sorūsh in Iran,[1] Saint Sarkis the Warrior [2] and John the Baptist in Armenia,[3] Saint George in Asia Minor and the Levant, etc.[4]
Because of the linguistic similarities between the name "al-khidr" and the Arabic word for green ("al-akhdar"), the meaning of the name is often taken colloquially and sometimes academically to be "the Green One" or "the Verdant One." Some scholars disagree with this assessment,[5] however the some others point to a possible reference to the Mesopotamian figure Utnapishtum from the Epic of Gilgamesh through the Arabization of his nickname, "Hasisatra".[6] According to a new view the name Khidr is not an Arabic variant or an abbreviation of Hasisatra, it directly comes from the name of the Canaanite god Kothar-wa-Khasis[7] and it may be later assimilated to Arabic term al-akhdar.[8] Wikipadia

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