Saturday, July 13, 2013

What's up Doc?

Ya I made it to the mosque yesterday for the Friday prayer and the same scenario of having some pompous idiot arrive next to you and throws down a bunch of keys on the prayer mat in front of him! Kaboom! my mind went off with a assault and battery scenario, of kicking the guy's teeth in and so on and so on...Then by chance he  might have felt my vengeance towards his presence he moved away and left a gap between us to be filled up immediately by a young kid who has the air of being  in the know with God. What irks me right off about this kid was that he keeps twitching his finger like he is pointing toward ten different directions when he was doing the Tahiatul, where in a sitting position you at one point, you point with your index finger foreword as though at God in front of you. This kid has his finger wiggling away here and there and everywhere until one cannot help but agree with him, that God is indeed everywhere; I could reached over and broke that finger but i was sitting there before God, how could I?
Off course in looking at it all afterwards you realize that it is all my own vexations created through being attached too much to forms, to externals and to what is going on around me rather than keeping my consciousness close to home. I usually sit in meditation for half an hour to 45 minutes while waiting for the Imam to five his Kuthbah or sermon and usually I have my eyes close to keep myself from being distracted...but. This is why I seldom pray at the mosques except on Fridays.

The fasting can bring out the best and the worst in a person and fro it seems that i have yet to earn my rights to the best when it comes to anything religious, I just cannot seem to be receptive enough towards what being in the presence of God is as my mind has been trained for so long to rebel against any form of constraints, coercions or cajoling. The Vatican has sent its envoy for the first time in history to Malaysia to add to the religious colors of this multi religious country. With the representative of the Pontiff in our midst we hope that we will get the benefit of his wisdom towards these nagging issues we are faced with like the use of the word 'ALLah" in the English Bible or is it the Malay translated bible. Whatever the case may be everyone who is interested in God, Allah and the whole religious scene is up in arms for and against the issue and this has been going on for the last few years; I wonder if God or Allah has changed somewhat by now. All is transitory said the Buddha, nothing remains the same as human minds can never stay on one plain for too long, the word Allah may take on a whole different meaning by the end of the day who knows. We are still trapped in names and forms but fail to feel the essence of Being one with God or Allah; and if we do we often enough fail to see what it is that God sees in His own image in us. We are running after our own shadows like Peter Pan, trying to catch it and keep it with us all the time when it is already if we let it be. Instead we trudge along like Zombies emotionless seeking some live forms to consume so that we can keep on warbling along and call it living. We kill in the course of our living, we kill to stay alive and relevant even as zombies. Then there are vampires! oh how we love vampires and their lifestyle, we make great movies out of them just to keep our hopes up that we are free from our forms or we can remain in our forms for eternity if we know how to live off others. Zombies and vampires may not exist in reality but they are great human psychic projections that we create mentally to occupy our warped imaginations. To justify our yearn for the taking of lives and the possibility of longevity, atattachment to this mind dominated life has made us desperate to preserve our forms at whatever cost; we have been selling body parts all over the world in case you have not been informed. Hearts, liver, kidneys, eye balls, you name it we got it in today's market, just name your price.

 Oh, what a wonderful world we live in, is there any other place like this home of ours out there among the stars, my next venture would be into astral travelling to check out for any more exciting lives out there.

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