Friday, July 05, 2024

Your Way is my way is your Way and we will get there.

 According to the Stats that keeps count on my performance as a a Blogger, which i never failed to look up first thing when I log on to my Blog; yes it is all an ego trip! I realized this a long time ago but felt the effort is well worth it even if only five reads from yesterday and 0 from the day before. Well which way shall i take off, the Muslim, Islam way or the Buddhist, Buddha's way? Or shall I view the answer from the perspective of the Advaita Vendanta teachings from the Vedic Scriptures; Tat Tvam Asi or That I Am. I, who am I? Who is making this attempt at telling yet another tale from the attic or the crypt or from Green Bay , Wisconsin or the Tales from Aleutian Chains, How do I see myself thus far in my life and this is the real moment of truth in revelation of who or what is this entity that is making these comments on to the open book of life itself; I am That I Am! Upon His Enlightenment the Buddha, is said to have said, "I Am Awakened! and The Universe Awakens with me!" and pointing His right  He said, " None above nor below, I Am the Awakened One.": Remember the Historical Buddha was just an ordinary man, a prince maybe but still just a man and He set about the turning of the Wheel of Dharma in this Realm of our human existence in the Nirmanakaya Loka, this realm of mental formations of forms and emptiness, light and darkness, Good and Bad and so on, this what is commonly known as the Dual Thinking Mind. The Historical Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha broke the chains of Karma and liberated Himself from the claws of Ignorance and being trapped in the life of a mind created/projected illusion.

Nirmāṇakāya (Chinese: 應身; pinyin: yīngshēn; Tibetan: སྤྲུལ་སྐུ་, tulku, Wylie: sprul sku) is the third aspect of the trikāya and the physical manifestation of a Buddha in time and space. In Vajrayāna it is described as "the dimension of ceaseless manifestation." 


But, I have joined one club too many in my life and one or two demands that i see through my vows and promises made in a form of prayers made, and one of these is the Bodhisattva Vows ; something I intend to keep as my personal practice in this life. My very lifestyle will be a testimony to how i have chosen to navigate through these waters, I surrender my every move to that which governs the whole realm of this existence, to God, to Allah{AWJ} or to the Supreme Unbounded State of Consciousness. I can understand all that it takes to make it happen in the cause of this lifetime, but I am still a man lost in his own shadows sometimes and not having a clue as to the where or what is at stake here in this cycle of life, death and rebirth: all these Buddhist stuff sometimes gets to me and I have to slow down and rewind so that I am not attached to any one 'Way". The Ways are as many as there are those who walk them and everyone ends up at the same destination in the end. The best Way is to is 'your way', whatever or however you manage it, find your own way and and perhaps be able to sing Frank Sinatra's version of "I did It My Way..." To touch life without getting attached to it, to taste wine without getting drunk, to feel love and not feel sad about it, all these are feelings and perceptions that the mind manifest from itself. Yet, I am Not the mind, nor am I the body. I am perhaps what is called the formless form, the real behind the false, I am That, I Am. The eternal, the never ending nor beginning, the timeless spaceless Supreme Undifferentiated Consciousness ; I can dream can't I? 

Words! More words as you get older to describe the simplest of things, just to keep the mind from getting bored and falling asleep, how many naps can one take in a day without making it official that it is time for you to take that final nap and never to wake up. However life goes on with or without me, I know this cause i have lived long enough to see my friends gone and new babies arriving from all round me and the world is rolling freely towards its self destruction gathering momentum thanks to humans who see life as an asset worth the price of a bullet or even less. Yes life goes on within and without me too and I notice the details growing more and more clearly as there is much else to do except to watch for the Devils in the details.  I am guilty of being lost in words and addicted to writing and I am feeling quite content to be staying up till the early morning lights while i keep letting my fingers tap on the key board and while I am listening to Enigma MCMXD a.d. on the earphones. This is one way I entertain myself especially when I cannot fall asleep tried as I had. And so I am now "Taking it back to the Rivers of Belief..."  

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