Friday, July 12, 2024

JJ Security Services Inc. Green Bay, Wisc.

Sometime in 1980 while a student at the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay I had a part time job as a security guard for a firm called JJ Security Services Inc. and was stationed at several location in and around the GB area including a crane construction facility called Northwest Engineering where they built cranes from A-Z. I found out that they used to build Sherman Tanks at this facility during the second world war.  Part of my responsibility was to walk the rounds every two hours punching the clock at every single station where a key is located throughout the facility which took two hours as the facility was vast and wide spread, for every round. It was a very tedious job but i loved it as I had the whole place to myself and my partner who was an elderly Canadian originally by the name of Vincent Kehoe. Vincent was in his fifties and except for his uniform was like a homeless person or even a drunk as he was always unkempt and looked like he never had a bath. But I enjoyed his company even though we kept to ourselves pretty much as he knew i was student and always buried my face in my books when I was not making my rounds.
While working at this site i had kept an on going journal which I am now sharing here because it seemed to call out to me from the shelf to be made open to the public for whatever it is worth. This sketchbook that is over thirty years old evoke memories of a time when I was living in what i called 'basements and boxes', almost but not quite a homeless person.

Here from the pages of the journal I have shared what i had written at times  in the dead of the Wisconsin winter nights. My intention is to show that i had been on the journey to find out most of my life and what i have been sharing in this Blog is not the fruit of yesterday's thoughts but a long progression since i was in college; since i had a realization that I needed change in my life. 

" What is beyond pain and pleasure, good and evil. The dreams are but the same. The solitary Japanese house by the eternal ocean of peace and tranquility - or the slick Corvette driven by a beautiful chick- a clumps of bamboo poetries or walking down Pearl Street, semi-dazed in deep revery with a Time Clock hanging round your neck - cloud filled sky and mornings bone by - we pursue this dream among dreams - this thirst for life endless eternal life - 

What does it matter where or when you came to be - or how and what you should have been - I am here, I am as you read me - we come to be -

What does it matter if we were of long ago distant friends whose path had greeted each other on a busy junction - We have never parted and never will - we are each other's keepers in this fabulous dream world of Maya -

I am your guide as much as you are mine - hand in hand we grope through the slick and slime of life - Hand in hand we will approach the throne of Nirvana - 

So on we go - heavy footed dragging behind us the wheel of life - loaded with a wagon full of mirth and laughter, anger and pain - our bodies once young and vigorous festered with arthritis and migraine headaches - older but perhaps a little wiser - we sing old songs to comfort those that come after us - that they who have just arrived after us may come to know the wisdom that is eternal - like those before us whose martyrdom had brought us here - we will serve with little miracles as those that were before them  -Like scattered clouds all of us passes through this ever changing life - yet knowing somewhere in the recesses of our dreams everything is the 'Unchange' - everything is but a mirror of itself - for the clouds though scattered are but of one element and the blue sky is but empty space - for all we know we are but passing clouds while clouds and and blue skies are a permanent scene - like an old church in the middle of a desert - its priest screaming bloody murder for rain to come all in the name of belief and faith - so let us dream my brothers - you of your corvettes and beautiful garbage carts - me and my idiotic crave for wisdom - together we will outshine the Universe in perfect unity." -  Written sometime in August of 1980 at the Northwest Engineering facility in Green Bay, Wisc.

"The minute we apply a glimmer of consciousness to a mechanical gesture, or practice a piece of phenomenology while polishing a piece of old furniture, we sense a new impression comes into being beneath the familiar domestic duty. For consciousness rejuvenates everything, giving a quality of beginning to the most everyday actions. It even dominates memory. How wonderful it is to really become once more the inventor of a mechanical action."

                                                                                        Poetics of Space - Gaston Bachilard.

                                                                                        8/1/80 -GB, Wisc.

The Poetics of Space (FrenchLa Poétique de l'Espace) is a 1958 book about architecture by the French philosopher Gaston Bachelard. The book is considered an important work about art. Commentators have compared Bachelard's views to those of the philosopher Martin Heidegger. - Wikipediae

I realize today that most of what i had written back then makes little if no sense at all, however what I am sharing with is the fact that my thoughts were aimed at looking for spiritual truths whatever that entails even way back when. I was back then having been divorced and lost the custody of my first born son, was on the way to becoming a drug addict and a drunk if it had not been for the chance to go to college. 

"Wisdom begins with the dawn of Reason and reason is but an understanding of the Knowledge and Principles whereby we may know the true meaning of things. Wisdom is then the Illuminated Reason and this wisdom leads to Humility for Humility is a large part of Wisdom." -

 "The Master Key," by Charles F. Haanel.

A quote found on the last page of the Journal. -8/8/80.



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